Demos and cheers for Israel Philharmonic in San Francisco

Demos and cheers for Israel Philharmonic in San Francisco


norman lebrecht

March 24, 2025

A small Gaza demonstration outside Davies Symphony Hall greeted concertgoers to the Israel Philharmonic’s tour performance lasty night. Local estimates suggest about 100 protestors turned out, representing Artists Against Apartheid and other groups.

Inside, the orchestra was welcomed with audience acclaim and standing ovations. They played works by Tchaikovsky, Bernstein, and Zvi Avni. Max Bruch’s Kol Nidrei drew shouts from a lone protestor, who was removed. The audience joined in with Hatikvah as encore.

UPDATE from an eyewitness: Thank you for reporting on the protests. But there were more than one protestor. First, at the end of the Star-Spangled Banner and Israel National Anthem, someone entered the front of the auditorium and unfurled a Palestinian flag. The usher and a patron pushed them out. Then, twice in the orchestra seating section, someone started yelling and disrupting the music. The musicians kept playing and the two protestors were eventually removed. Then, finally, someone in the terrace seating unfurled a banner and started yelling. Again, the ushers and patrons smothered the person and with some difficulty managed to get them out. Again, the musicians continued playing throughout. The audience applauded loudly to drown out the protestors, and as you pointed out, there were ovations (and two encores).


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