Great result: 1 in 2 Czechs can name a classical composer

Great result: 1 in 2 Czechs can name a classical composer

Comment Of The Day

norman lebrecht

January 08, 2025

From our Prague partners, OperaPlus:

Almost half of Czechs cannot name any classical music composer. Most cited are Wolfgang Amadeo Mozart and Bedrich Smetana.

That sounds like a great result.

We’d be surprised if 1 in 10 Brits in 2025 could name a serious composer, and maybe 1 in 100 Americans.



  • Pianofortissimo says:

    1 in 100 Americans? Are Americans who think that Beethoven is a St. Bernard dog from the movies included? 🙂

    • Christopher Stager says:

      Excuse me, but we Americans can name two: John Williams, and the guy who wrote “Star Wars”.

    • Hard Nose Yankee says:

      We’ll have the last laugh when we’ll be vacationing in Greenland, by then our 52nd state (the 51st being Canada) and we’ll be watching you raise the Russian flag over the Tour Eiffel and Westminster.

    • Bone says:

      Always thought stereotyping was wrong.
      But sure, Americans make easy targets. Hope y’all enjoy your next invasion without us!

    • Nicholas says:

      More American baby boomers know Beethoven as that fellow who presented the news to Tchaikovsky after rolling over.

    • Mehdi says:

      And then you both call yourselves not racist. Double standards as they are

  • SunnyBear says:

    “We’d be surprised if 1 in 10 Brits in 2025 could name a serious composer, and maybe 1 in 100 Americans.” Well that’s quite obnoxious, smug, arrogant ignorant and condescending attitude, Norman. For being such a uncultured backwater country there are certainly major classical conservatories that Europeans and Asian musicians desperately try to gain entry to every year. Julliard, Curtis, Eastman, Univ of MI, Oberlin, North Texas State, Northwestern to name but a few are all world class conservatories that are every bit as critical and demanding as those in the old world. More than 10% of the American population can name at least 2 classical composers. You really need to get out of your tiny provincial island country a bit more.

  • Critical Thinker says:

    Meanwhile americans:

    Is “composer” a gender?

  • okram says:

    I don’t doubt the ignorance of my fellow Americans, but I would still think 30% or more could at least name Beethoven. Then again, we elected Trump again so who knows?

  • zandonai says:

    1 in 2 Americans don’t know who’s buried in Grant’s Tomb.

  • Steve says:

    Is that really so great? They can’t name Dvorak, Suk, Martinu, etc.

  • John Borstlap says:

    In 2023 Dr Hofstadter from the Texas Institute of Technology had set-up a research project to find-out how many Americans can name at least 1 1/2 classical music composer. But the project got stuck because he had first to explain to the respondent what was meant by ‘classical’, by ‘music’ and by ‘composer’ which took-up much too much time of what was allogated to the project. Also the board of the Diversity Department of TIT objected to the implied exclusion of culturally-challenged communities. So, we will never know.

  • Scott says:

    Not even František Ignác Antonín Tůma?

  • Don Ciccio says:

    Actually, a similar survey was conducted in 2019, and the results is not much different:

    If, according to the survey, half of Americans can’t name a classical composer, that means the other half can.

    As for the UK, well, that’s the land without music, so let’s not go there.

  • Jobim75 says:

    In the communist era, what else could you do than enjoy classical music…I have no nostalgia for it but…. it’s an education problem now…

  • David says:

    The dumbing down of our culture is almost complete

  • H Reardon says:

    While none of those guesstimates sound surprising I can’t help but wonder about the methodolgy. Care to expound NB?

  • ethant says:

    1 in 2 Americans can name Greenland or Canada as our next 51st state.

    John Williams is our Bedrich Smetana, Star Wars is our Ma Vlast.

    U! S! A! U! S! A!