Nigel Kennedy: Covid vaccine made me deaf
OrchestrasThe English violinist ascribes three months of temporary deafness to the third Covid jab.
He also suffered extreme fatigue, he tells Dalya Alberge in the Observer:
“I turned into a zombie … I’d be nodding off, whatever I was doing … I’d wake up and think: ‘thank God I haven’t dropped the violin’, if I’d had it in my hand … That’s something which had never happened to me before.”
I had three COVID vaccines and didn’t go deaf.
What? You say my one-person anecdotal experience isn’t dispositive?
Your certainty should certainly be able to withstand a viewing of “Thank you Dr. Fauci.” Would love to hear your thoughts if you’re brave enough to critically think about the issue.
Wait and see…until then,take more jabs.
Not surprised to see that Nigel is a Vax critique somehow. He was always a bit off to me.
The COVID vaccine has been safe in billions of people. And saved a lot of lives. As do all vaccines. Period (I am a physician-scientist, trained in Europe and USA)
I suggest you do some research. The poison shot put one of my emoyees in hospital and surgery with myocarditis at 21 years old, gave a cousin a stroke two days later, not to mention sudden turbo cancer in 3 of my clients. I have 2 eminent cardiologist friends who have confirmed the damage this poison inflicts on people. As always, follow the money. And check out what exactly caused the deaths in hospitals – protocols and deadly drug protocols. All medicines have adverse side effects, even asprin and paracetamol – vaxines are no different.
Yes, our supervisor on our new home construction (35yo) was hospitalized for 2 weeks after being forced to take the vaccine by his employer.
Australia has seen a huge spike in Melanoma cases since the vaccine. And after people were locked indoors!!
You do realize that historically Australia has the highest melanoma rate in the ENTIRE world? Coincidence in your supervisors case, especially in a profession that takes him outdoors a lot?
So, yes, it absolutely must be due to the vaccine.
Nobody was *locked* indoors except those in overseas-arrivals quarantine in hotels(two weeks). People were isolated in their homes, which, for many people, includes a back yard. Perhaps instead of going to the office, people got fresh air and leisure by spending time in their backyards, in the sun? Always dangerous to ascribe one event to another without rigorous investigation first.
Consider some spelling lessons if as a troll you wish to masquerade as a medic.
The problem with such anecdotes is that one cannot infer causation just because the vaccine preceded the illness. To prove causation, you need large samples–and such research does not, for example, find a higher risk of myocarditis among those who received COVID vaccinations compared to age-matched samples of people who weren’t vaccinated.
One of my musician colleagues at Oxford had a stroke at 42 the next day from a Covid injection and died two weeks later. Others have had serious fatigue and couldn’t work. It varies and the flip side should not be ignored or be ridiculed.
The vaxine (sic) and its effects on empoyees (sic) obviously causes one’s purple prose to be peppered with literals. Maybe Asprin (sic) would help. Or possibly Parrotseatemall?
I am a physician scientist. My job IS research! And I know how to read studies. Since I also write them. And vaccines have abolished many diseases. Ever wonder why we don’t have Polio any more? Smallpox? Maybe do some research on that.
Only a bit? You are too kind.
No, really, it’s just that you’re less kind.
All vaccines are safe? There’s never been a problem with a vaccine in the past? So we do we even need to test them? Was the Cutter polio vaccine safe? It’s a vaccine. Vaccines in general are medically vital but the reason there is distrust is because of people like you who are dishonest about risks and past incidents. It’s not a good strategy.
Of course, but being FORCED to have them is the issue. Especially after a lightning-speed development process. Young people did not die from Covid, nor were they ever going to.
The development of the mRNA platform was not lightning speed, but was a result of over a decade of cancer vaccine research.
Let’s stick to facts, rather than repeating industry talking points, shall we?
Development of the mRNA platform is entirely separate from developing a specific vaccine (regardless of mRNA or traditional) targeting Covid-19. Vaccines developed against previous coronaviruses (SARS and MERS) were withdrawn in the animal trials stage because the animals died. So it was entirely unknown before 2020 whether and how a coronavirus vaccine would work in humans.
So yes, the COVID-19 vaccines WERE developed at lightning speed.
Heck, at the point they were given emergency authorization, it was unknown whether they would even prevent transmission, because the clinical trials didn’t bother to assess that (which is a shocking lapse of judgement).
Initial assumptions that they would prevent infection proved incorrect, as it turned out that vaccine-induced antibody production wanes in a few months. By contrast, post-infection immunity generally lasts 1- 2 years.
That is just absolutely wrong. In addition, long-covid has been truly awful for many. There are other measures of covid’s impact other than death.
@Craig, the latest research shows no difference in long Covid rates, regardless of vaccination history. “In total, 6.9% of patients were diagnosed as having long COVID, with no observed difference between unvaccinated patients, those vaccinated with two doses of an mRNA vaccine, and those with more than two doses.”
Without entering in the topic pro- vac Vs no-vac, but young people died from covid. This is the statistics from the US alone.
You can day that yhe rate of deaths in people 50, but, still, I would not say that more than 70000 people younger than 50 (and > 25000 less than 40) is ‘nobody’.
The number of young people who died of “covid” is statistically zero. It was all media hype. The PCR tests delivered false positives and hospitals were financially incentivized to call everything “covid,” even if the person died after a motorcycle accident.
Shortly after the rollout of the mRNA shots a violin maker in my community suffered a fatal and immediate neurological reaction that could only be the result of the shot. He was dead within a month. Several others within my orbit suffered heart attacks. A young boy who is my student now has a bad heart. Now I’m seeing a wave of turbo cancers. We have been seeing this rise of young deaths on the pages of SlippedDisc.
If these shots were really “safe and effective” why am I seeing multiple people within my orbit effected?
There are plenty of medical researchers and scientists who have already explained what is happening. It is all risk with zero benefit. For all of you who want to take your 13th booster and wear your stupid mask, I wish you well. I will never trust the health officials again.
Are you saying “forced” as in held down and jabbed against their will? On the other hand, I’m living proof that the vaccine kept me from dying, because 2 years and 6 shots, I’m alive and well. Proof the vaccine works. The end.
By your logic, unvaccinated folks who did not get the vaccine and are alive and well are proof the vaccine is unnecessary. The end.
With all due respect, Ms. Sonata, I personally know THREE young people that died from Covid. And your implication that the older people who did die were unimportant is beyond offensive. Go back to your Trump rally and leave us alone.
Harpist did not say that all vaccines have been and will always be safe. They said that Covid vaccines have been safe for billions of people already, and that it’s saved many lives, which is the goal of all vaccines. The reason some people distrusted the vaccine this time has nothing to do with this, but rather the result of populist politics that deliberately sowed mistrust against the “establishment” over the years, not to mention the people’s discontents over previous governments.
His exact words were: “COVID vaccine has been safe in billions of people. And saved a lot of lives. As do all vaccines.”
I think vaccines in general are great but to make such a blanket statement is foolish. Not all vaccines have been save and some have even cost lives. That’s indisputable. Trying to shut down debate is not a way to ensure confidence.
Harpist, you claim to be a “physician-scientist?” Isn’t one of the first rules in scientific research “discuss facts rather than engaging in personal attacks and other forms of argumentative fallacies?”
How about if we discuss some facts.
Fact: Nigel reports that he experienced sudden hearing loss following Covid vaccination, and believes it to have been a reaction to the shot. Who are you to armchair-diagnose his case as being anything other than what he reports?
Fact: Sudden hearing loss has been reported as a rare adverse event following Covid vaccination. In fact, 1,816 of the 2,065 reports in the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System specify onset following Covid vaccination rather than other vaccines.
Fact: There are 26,517 reports of tinnitus — also an especially devastating hearing-related condition for professional musicians – following Covid vaccination. Of those, 5,478 were marked as “serious.”
Fact: in your own post, you resort to a combination of victim-blaming and gaslighting, describing Nigel as a “Vax Critique” [sic] and “always a bit off.” If you treat your own patients this way, that would be very troubling.
Fact: you claim “the COVID vaccine has been safe in billions of people,” as though that (if it were true) would somehow evaporate the cases where it HASN’T been safe.
That’s like saying that billions of people eat peanuts without allergic reaction, so peanuts are safe for all.
Again, this approach would be very disturbing for a doctor to use on his or her own patients.
Fact: “claiming all vaccines save lives” is like claiming “all pills save lives.” It’s the epitome of UN-scientific thought, ignoring the vastly different safety/efficacy/necessity profiles, not to mention the fact that much of the research is funded by the industry that profits from it. The opioid epidemic is a perfect example of the fallacy of your assumption, and yes, the vaccine industry’s marketing and development MO follows the same pattern.
If your post demonstrates what our current scientists and doctors are trained to believe, no wonder we’re in such a mess.
Well, Mr Kennedy, can you tell us if you had taken something else at the time of vaccination?
I know I’m throwing a rock at a glass ceiling, but couldn’t resist.
@Pianofortissimo, to be fair, when you suggest that Nigel “had taken something else at the time of vaccination,” you would need to also suggest that people who had serious complications from Covid might have “taken something else” at the time of infection.
Not that I condone your suggestion; in fact, it’s victim-blaming, and it’s just like asking a woman reporting assault if she dressed provocatively.
But if we take your suggestion seriously, we should note that patients on chemo, or dialysis, or steroids, or asthma medication, are all more susceptible to virus complications. While the medications themselves may add to the susceptibility, the condition prompting the medications also increase the risk. In addition, patients on chemo often take medical cannabis to address side effects, patients on steroids often gain significant weight due to steroids’ appetite-triggering effects, and so on.
So shouldn’t you ask them, too, what they were taking when they got infected?
Before people go off on vaccine pro/con, note that he doesn’t actually say he regrets getting the vaccine nor that he opposes them. He’s just saying that was the side-effect in his case. Although, as people often say, correlation doesn’t necessarily imply causation.
That’s true. I always get side effects even before my visit to my GP.
Actually, if you have a bad reaction to the vaccine (and some people do) then it implies that getting Covid will have VERY serious consequences for your health. If you don’t react to the vaccine then there is a good chance that Covid will not have the same consequences.
People who have bad reactions to vaccines often react to ingredients other than the viral particle, particularly if there is an adjuvant used in the vaccine. Also, upper respiratory virus exposure is via nose and mouth, and a good part of immune response is there. Exposure via injection involves a somewhat different immune response.
One of the reported issues with mRNA vaccines is the fact that recombinant spike proteins may persist and circulate throughout the body for months after the vaccine. See
Remember, it was originally promised that this would disappear within a couple of weeks. And it does not seem to happen after natural infection. So we don’t know which subgroups might be especially susceptible to complications from this.
It’s not the vaccine. It’s watching Aston Villa………
It would have been responsible to include a fact check on Kennedy’s blatant misinformation here.
But since there isn’t, here are a couple of links, based on peer-reviewed research – not armchair quackery:
The CDC has no credibility. The medical establishment are paid off shills. The evidence that the shots are dangerous is overwhelming and can be seen in skyrocketing turbo cancer and everything else imaginable. You might want to check out these links:
Great, so as an alternative to CDC, you propose a website run by a finance guy? There is literally no expert in epidemiology in this team of 3 , let alone a single doctor or a researcher in the field. If you think that having a PhD in finance somehow better qualifies one to talk about diseases and vaccines than 10,000 medical professionals, scientists, public health experts, and emergency responders that CDC employs, then you might want to go back to school and work on your logic and comprehension skills.
Which part of Edward Dowd’s statistics are wrong?
Do you think attacking anyone who had a negative affect from the Vaccine is a good thing to do?
No, but calling out BS is.
Wow, Carl throwing down facts. Too bad more post don’t include them. Well played Carl.
Carl, reporting a reaction to a vaccine is not misinformation in any way, shape, or form. It might interest you to learn that the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System holds 1,817 of sudden hearing loss following Covid-19 vaccination.
So please stop gaslighting the victims, even if they’re in the minority.
You can read the reports here:
The vaccine didn’t make Nigel a zombie; he’s been one for decades.
The facts are this: vaccines can cause side effects like all medical interventions but is safe for the vast majority. The alternative, COVID infection for the unvaccinated, has a vastly increased chance of nasty complications compared with the vaccine. As for Nigel Kennedy’s unfortunate ailments, it may or may not be due to the vaccine. As such a large cohort of people had the vaccine (or COVID) all at once, it is statistically likely that some fell ill to completely unrelated things.
The (USA) National Insitute of Health’s online National Library of Medicine confirms that sudden hearing loss is one of many reported following vaccinations for Covid 19. It also cites a Finnish study that could find no such association. An Israeli study did seem to find some slight correlation. A Journal of the AMA article seems to support the idea that the risk is extremely low but the anecdotal evidence is out there and needs to be considered. There are many infections, some rather routine, that can cause the same hearing loss.
@Genius Repairman, actually, it depends on the susceptibilities.
The vast majority of healthy adults and children are at very low risk for severity and complications from Covid. This has been known since the very beginning. In fact, in 2020, the CDC reported that most Covid cases in children were not severe, and that many were asymptomatic.
Those who ARE especially susceptible:
The elderly (over 65)
The obese
Those with chronic lung disease
The immunocompromised
Interestingly, the vast majority of myocarditis and pericarditis reactions to the vaccine seem to be in teen and young adult males, while the majority of blood clotting lyfunction disorders and neuroimmune adverse events seem to be in 40-60 year old women.
This illustrates the very serious problem with making society-wide recommendations when both virus and vaccine pose different risks to various groups.
He’s lucky, 21yo healthy Irish footballer Roy Butler had the fake but deadly vaccine on the Thursday, massive headaches over the weekend and was dead on Tuesday morning, five days later from a brain bleed. All to travel with his team to Spain.
I hope those who sanctioned this are unable to sleep and whatever conscience they have left, eats them alive.
No, he didn’t.
From one end you have people calling Mr. Kennedy “quackish” for giving one perspective on a vaccine that people have largely made their own conclusions about, and from the other you have folks touting their “cardiologist friends”….it’s clear the lot of us were cut out for playing music, huh? Not very many brain cells brimming on here…
It is entirely plausible that he had the ailments he claimed. Whether it was caused by the vaccine or was just a coincidence, no-one can say. But there is nothing to suggest that he should not have taken the vaccine, given the health benefits.
Did he have the MMR vaccine when he was a kid? If so, that was clearly the cause of his becoming a rich musician.
He seems to have faded from public view – is it that a 67-year-old punk fiddler seems of little interest today?
Deaf is preferable to dead.
His hairstyle resembles the spikes on the surface of a coronavirus.
No, it didn’t.
That’s all very fascinating, but much more topical and apposite is the fact that over-scheduling, lack of legal awareness of employer responsibilities, poor conductor rehearsal technique, the utter indifference bordering on contempt of orchestral managers for player health and safety, and lack of real time noise exposure monitoring has lead to me being deaf.
When I had my first vaccination, I suddenly could carelessly type without the slihtest mistake, even if I tried. My GP told me it’s a common side effect.
Anything to do with other substances he takes?
I also had hearing loss in one ear after getting a covid booster. It was suggested I had an overactive immune response to the vaccine.
Thank you for sharing your experience, Peggy. Was it permanent?
There are musicians here & there who suffered hearing problems long before covid. This was during and after playing Xenakis, Haas or after playing Satie’s ‘Vexations’.
Once again, struggling to write this with all the adverts jumping around, but every medication and treatment that one takes has rare and sometimes severe side-effects. Vaccinations are no exception. It’s a matter of balancing the odds of having a severe side-effect from the medication or having severe consequences of not taking the medication and having the full-blown disease.
Another matter is that Nigel Kennedy is a fake. No doubt about his playing, but he was a well-spoken and impeccably dressed young man at the beginning of a promising career until a ‘manager’ of some kind advised him to pose as a foul-mouthed scruff, just to advance his career. It was a sensation at the time, but his career foundered as he grew older. Contrast this with Joshua Bell, Hilary Hahn, Tasmin Little, Janine Jansen and Chloe Hanslip, among many others, who didn’t need to indulge in fakery or sensationalism to promote their careers.
With that in mind, is there any evidence that his going deaf for a while was true, and if it was, that his temporary deafness was nothing other than an ear infection?
I didn’t get any side effects because I didn’t have it. Instinct told me there was no way a vaccine could be produced so quickly. It had to be made before 2020. I have never had the flu vaccine either. I eat raw greens every day and have a treadmill to keep my muscles moving.
Is he going by both his names again?
There’s something really wrong when so many people here would rather gaslight Nigel Kennedy than admit that maybe, just maybe, he actually experienced a rare side affect from a vaccine.
Here in the US, the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System holds 1,817 reports of sudden hearing loss following Covid vaccination. And one of the major criticisms of this system is that it suffers from UNDER-reporting, since it’s not mandatory to report adverse reactions
1,817 reports among tens of millions of Americans vaccinated is statistically insignificant, it’s a blip.
Has anyone wondered if the famous soloist’s “Double-Pinched nerve” injury might be related to this topic?