Conductor is no longer under investigation

Conductor is no longer under investigation


norman lebrecht

December 05, 2024

The Cologne public prosecutor has told Van magazine that the city’s former general music director, François-Xavier Roth, is no longer under criminal investigation.

There were insufficient grounds for suspicion, the prosecutor said. Roth, 52, had been accused by female orchestra members of sending them unsolicited intimate selfies.

Roth issued a public apology for ‘mistakes’. His career has been on hold since May.


  • Critical Thinker says:

    And here, Ladies and Gentlemen, we again see how an honest man’s career and reputation was ruined by “AlLegAtioNs”. Let’s thank God Mr. Roth is still alive and didn’t go the same way as;

    “Believe women”, heh.
    And again – I am talking to you, MeTooers.

    • huh? says:

      In the way you’ve done the capitalization, it makes it look like you’re blaming someone called Alan?

    • Emil says:

      He. admitted. to. it. in. Paris. The question was whether he also did it with his other orchestra.

      But sure, if you don’t have the capacity or willingness to actually read about what happened, you can’t know what you don’t want to know.

    • Steph says:

      You’re wrong. He’s very lucky indeed, I’ve seen one of the photos sent to a freelancer in the LSO.

    • John Borstlap says:

      Yes, it can happen to any man to accidentally send pictures of his genitals to unsuspecting women. It happens all the time and especially among musicians. Shame on those women to make a point of it!

  • RW2013 says:

    Still cost him his next gig with the Berlin Phil, in which his replacement substitutes the originally programmed Scriabin Prométhée with Grieg’s concerto.
    Who wants my ticket?

  • Simone says:

    So many people face allegations of wrongdoing – some allegations only come to light after the perpetrator’s death (Saville, al Fayed, etc).

    Roth is a good conductor and I hope his career resumes and that music will be both the focus of his attention and the media where he is concerned. As readers will know other conductors have maintained careers even after creating physical assaults, etc. Roth was wrong, he’s acknowledged that, so let him move on and do what he is best at – making music.

  • Andrew Powell says:


    Now let a wiser FXR get on with his work.

  • WU says:

    Who would have thought … so a man like this can send pictures like no tomorrow. What might be sufficient evidence? A series of photos sent non stop? He admitted “mistakes” – euphemism of the (classical) year, obviously. Hopefully he will continue to get few opportunities. SWR is not really relevant. But paid by the public, sadly.

  • Malcolm James says:

    Just because his behaviour was not criminal does not necessarily mean that it wasn’t inappropriate and unprofessional. A one-off lapse might be forgiven, if he has truly learnt and mended his ways but, if it is merely the tip of the iceberg, he might not be so fortunate.

    • Sue Sonata Form says:

      I always think it’s a very sad indictment when people are caught sending these kinds of pictures or behaving in a sexualized way towards others gratuitously; it has the element of sheer desperation about it!!

      • Thomas says:

        I believe it is not desperation but narcissism combined with the selfish exercise of power. His career will be affected and ot should be.

  • CGDA says:

    The classical world is rott(h)en and ridiculous!

    These demigod conductors and their employers forget that there are laws. Quite a few of them abuse people sexually or verbally/emotionally and get away with it. Where are orchestral managers and CEOs? Where are unions? Where is the police? Why don’t people talk? What kind of culture is this?

    These demigods also accumulate jobs which leads to their players having to work around their schedules. No other jobs do that; not even those that offer 6-digit salaries, which orchestral players in Europe aren’t.

  • CGDA says:

    Malcolm James:

    Sending d… pics ‘is’ criminal and how!

    • Malcolm James says:

      Well he’s no longer under investigation in Cologne.

      • V.Lind says:

        If the pictures exist, and they were not solicited and the recipients complained, what exactly is meant by “insufficient grounds for suspicion”? I would have thought the Germans were better than that.

        Sending such pictures once MIGHT be a mistake. More than once, it’s a crime.

        • Saxon Broken says:

          How do you take a picture of your dick and then send it to someone by “mistake”. It really is something that is deliberate and not a mistake.

  • Berlin Babe says:

    Gee, critical thinker: guess what? Everyone in the business knows that the accusations were true. Seems as though you’ve never worked as a female orchestra musician in Germany.

    • Critical Thinker says:

      Gee, guess what? “EveRyOne knOwS”?
      Talk and gossip is….. (drum roll)…..TALK AND GOSSIP!!!

      People talking and gossiping doesn’t magically make the gossip a fact.
      Maybe in your “crazy-WokeThink infested-radical-leftist-MeToo cultist”-world yes, but not in the normal world, honey.

  • Alasdair says:

    So the prosecutor has decided that the evidence would not stand up in court.