Cancer claims soaring French soprano

Cancer claims soaring French soprano


norman lebrecht

December 11, 2024

The classical guitarist David Chevallier has announced the death from cancer of his beloved wife, international soprano Anne Magouët.

After 6 years of a tough fight against cancer, Anne Magouët, my wife, my muse, turned in the arms.
Those who stood by her side during this time know with what courage and strength she fought. Some crossed her without imagining what she was facing, both her vital energy, her radiation seemed to say she was doing well. Others have followed a little closer the various episodes so far overcome, and can’t believe, can’t accept only this time, it’s over.
I have lost the woman I loved. And the world has lost the sound of her voice, her stage presence. Our ears and eyes are orphans. Our world is a grayer one.
I owe a lot to Anne We’ve been trying to continue our road for the past six years, despite this crap eating her, we’ve done many concerts, created programs, and finally finished recording our repertoire dedicated to Björk’s songs on old instruments, specially designed, written for her. How sad that this album appears when the one who embodied it for 12 years is dying.
Words fail to face this emptiness.
I know many of you are very affected by Anne’s passing, as she was a loved person, and admired by so many.
May the sound of her voice remain in our memories, forever. 


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