Breaking: Gergiev’s conquest has fallen

Breaking: Gergiev’s conquest has fallen


norman lebrecht

December 07, 2024

Eight and a half years ago, Valery Gergiev conducted an all-male concert in the ancient Syrian town of Palmyra to celebrate its reconquest by Putin forces on behalf of the chemical mass-murderer Bashir al-Assad.

This was the high point of Putin’s hubris.

Nemesis arrived this morning when Russian forces hastily evacuated Palmyra as Assad’s regime fell apart.

This message is from a Russian military blogger.



  • Not Surprised says:

    Not a fan of Assad but Norman supporting actual jihadists over one of the world’s greatest conductors is exactly what I expected. Besides, the Russian forces are in Tartus and Latakia where their bases are located.

    • Brettermeier says:

      “Norman supporting actual jihadists”

      Being against A does not mean you are rooting for B. For some reason, this seems to be a difficult concept to grasp.

    • Mats says:

      Not true. Those are the only bases still left.

      Russia was bombing Syria extensively with its airforces but those airbases are now abandoned. Poor Putin.


      The only thing V G is an expert at is licking putin’s rear.

    • Henri Goland says:

      “The world’s greatest conductor”…
      You mean impostor? Gergiev is a fraud pumped up by Putin and his mafia, no more!

    • Simon S. says:

      Over this weekend, I have read a lot of different people on Syria. Whatever their politics, I haven’t read a single one with a) substantial knowledge of the country (i.e. more than I have) and b) a sane mind who didn’t say that the end of Assad’s regime was a really huge reason to celebrate.

      If you still have doubts, watch the videos of the liberated prisons (yes, including the graphic ones).

      And no, this doesn’t mean there’s no reason to be concerned about what comes next.

  • Jobim75 says:

    Well between Russian and bearded guys…I will still pick Russian…

  • Ed says:

    It seems this site hates Russia so much it has descended to the level of cheering on jihadi terrorists. You really support Daesh and Hay’at Tahrir al Islam over Putin?

    • Save the MET says:

      Putin can be lumped in with the terrorists. He turned Assad into a puppet which was never going to last. Russia really never had a footing in The Middle East, yet has done some pretty rotten things since going there including building Iran’s nuclear facilities in addition to the Assad issue. Now Assad is gone and the new Syria will want them gone and Israel took out Iran’s ability to track attacks and part of their nuclear bomb making facilities, so he’s done rotten things and lost.

      Concerning this article, the appalling thing is that Gergiev agreed to conduct the concert. He could have said no.

      • Yuri K says:

        Blame it all on Putin, eh? There will never be any “new Syria” because Syria is an artificial country, created by wise guys in Paris and London when they were slicing what used to be the Ottoman Empire. Such country can only be ruled by a ruthless dictator or it becomes a failed state and/or falls apart. Right now there are the Kurds, there are the Turkomans, there is ISIS, there are “moderate jihadists” in the South, there are the Americans where the oil is, and Turkey and Israel are in for the land grabs. There are the Christians, about 1 million of them, and they along with the Alawites are the 1st candidates to flee Syria and become refugees. This is going to be a bloody mess, nothing else.

  • WU says:

    There is no reason for any joy. Islamists are dangerous per se and Syrians will suffer even more when those different organizations fight each other and suprress the population with there extremely restrictive worldviews. De facto the situation went from being extremely bad to even worse.

  • Dave says:

    North Korea, Iran and Syria are the ’Axis of Evil’.

    Wondering: Are these same ’pro-Syria’ people also supporting North Korea and Iran, and Saddam … ?

    Myself, I am just happy one is out of the ’trio’.

  • Yuri K says:

    Don’t get why you are gloating. 1st, get ready for the bloody fights between the winners. This had happened in Libya but will be worse in Syria. 2nd, open Europe’s doors for the new flood of refugees.

  • Roger Rocco says:

    I have never thought that VG was a great maestro. In the West he was a trendy toothpick waver carving nervously in the air. His stern demeanor was a mask of mediocrity. His head was always buried in the score. The performers ignored the distractions of his shaking hands. He will never conduct in the West again but his BFF in the Kremlin will always give him a stage and an orchestra to intimidate with false bravado!

    • Save the MET says:

      The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra never liked him, he turned up late to rehearsals which disrespected the orchestra. He also has personal hygeine issues which did not endear him to the Orchestra as well. I will give him the series of Tchaikovsky Symphonies he released with the Vienna Philharmonic, those recordings are first rate. That said, I witnessed his Maarinsky Ring Cylye at the Metropolitan Opera House. I’ve heard/seen quite a few and it was the absolute worst I’ve witnessed.