Panic buttons at Cleveland
NewsThe steady departure of cherished professors at the Cleveland Institute of Music has prompted this ‘unsettling’ holiday message from the Associate Dean for Academic Operations and Student Success.
Stephen Rose is the latest in a string of profs to quit.
From an outsider’s perspective, it would appear that the school’s administration has been tasked (by someone) with the systematic destruction of the Institute.
What else could it possibly be?
Anyone else not too surprised at this point? The administration is objectively the least important part of a music school. Reputation is upheld by the quality of its faculty and students.
If the admin prioritizes themselves, disrespects and disregards their faculty and students, then their reputation goes in the bin.
The only way CIM regains it’s reputation is once the current admin is gone, and hopefully replaced by some with the correct priorities.
Michael Sachs, Sergei Babyan, Afendi Yusef, the Laredos, Melissa Kraut, Yolanda Kondonassis, and now Steve Rose. Not to mention all the early retirements. And it’s only going to get worse… It’s worse than anyone can imagine.