Biz news: SanFran Con strikes deal with HarrisonParrott

Biz news: SanFran Con strikes deal with HarrisonParrott


norman lebrecht

November 22, 2024

The music school, which already owns the AskonasHolt agency and the Penatone record label, has now struck a deal for emerging Black composers with the Birdsong publishing wing of HP, who are direct rivals of Askonas.

Funny old world.

Here’s the gush:

The San Francisco Conservatory of Music (SFCM) and Birdsong Music Publishing have entered into an exciting new partnership that will further the goal of advancing the careers of young Black composers and their music.

Starting in 2024 all competition winners of the Emerging Black Composers Project (EBCP) shall be given the option to have their work published by Birdsong and enter into a mentorship program. Birdsong Music Publishing is a full, bespoke publishing and management service that is tailored to the composer’s needs. Birdsong Music Publishing is an Associated Company of the internationally-leading HarrisonParrott Group.

The Emerging Black Composers Project is a ten-year commitment to spotlight early-career Black American composers and their music. It was launched in 2020 with the first-place commission given in 2021 to Trevor Weston. Winners of the project receive a $15,000 award for a new music commission that will receive a world premiere with the San Francisco Symphony. Those winners will now have a new optional opportunity to have their music published by Birdsong.


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