Violin double-act breaks up

Violin double-act breaks up


norman lebrecht

October 15, 2024

Months after signing on for an orchestral tour with German management firm K D Schmid, the Australian comedy duo TwoSet Violin has split up, taking down all their videos on social media.

Their parting message reads: ‘This will be the last piece of content we post as TwoSet Violin. 

It’s been a wild ride with you all for the last 11 years. We’ve all grown up together and it’s kinda surreal that we’re ending our chapter here.
Thank you for all the laughs, the genuine encounters in real life and all the special moments we’ve had with you online and offline. 

Much love, Brett and Eddy.’

Their farewell note has received quarter of a million likes.

Hilary Hahn messaged: ‘So many congrats on a job well done! And thank you for everything you have done for the musical community. Not just classical! You guys rock.’

They had four million Youtube subscribers.


  • Nick2 says:

    These young guys were fine professional violinists but even better as a double act introducting various aspects of classical music to so many people around the world. Their following on youtube proved this, as did the concerts they presented on their few world tours. Classical music really needs this kind of enthusiam, fun and energy. Very sad to see them give up, but wish them both the best for their futures.

  • Harpist says:

    I understand that the band has to move on and all – but why taking all the

  • Gerry Feinsteen says:

    Unpopular opinion:

    Exploiting Music for personal gain.

    They butchered classical music and string players to fulfill their need to present content to their large, and largely new-to-classical, audience.
    They took pieces we hold dear and instead of treating these marvels of musical architecture they sliced and diced the music into BGM (background music) for their [amateur] comedic stunts. Sibelius’ Violin Concerto, Paganini’s 24th Caprice (with the help of intonation queen Hilary Hahn and a hula-hoop) and so many other works of art—used to compensate for weaknesses in their creativity. Had they been TwoSet Architecture they might have gone to Notre Dame and measured how many rolls of toilet paper could they throw to cover its West façade.
    Had they been TwoSet Literature they might very well have seen which publishers’ paper was most ideal for a litter box. Had they been TwoSet Culinary Art they might have tried using the best truffles for rabbit feed. Had they been TwoSet Art they might have…you get the point .

    Many of the most popular social media influencers thrive on using others’ work to fuel their shticks.
    “But, but, they reached new audiences.”

    Not really. Many of those audience members have gotten a distorted picture of what classical music is. They are not likely to attend more than one or two concerts before they realize it’s a serious art form that is best left alone from the bite-sized, fast-paced, Tik-Tokked world. However, the artists frequently in the TwoSet orbit have gained social media followers; no surprise their social media presence mimics as TwoSet’s offspring.

    Classical music, I believe, should be left alone, lest we risk degrading it.

    After TwoSet, major works of art are to many nothing more than vehicles for a quick laugh (or eye roll). Social media is about trends. Classical music is not a trend, nor will it ever be. Much of it has sustained its concert presence longer than The Beach Boys and P Diddy.

    Victor Borge was a comedic genius. He, like Jack Benny, could actually play. Both were brilliant on stage—not needing countless layers of video editing and “merch” sales.

    One can’t help but feel sorry for the Strad one of them supposedly bought. For now we can rest assured TwoSet Violin will not experiment to see how fast a Strad burns compared to an Amazon violin.

  • Retired Cellist says:

    It seems they are rebranding to something called TwoSet Academy. Don’t know what that is yet, but my guess is that it will require less of a daily grind on their part; maybe it will offer instruction/masterclasses/lessons, like Tonebase.

  • Dittany Morgan says:

    I’ve heard that they’ve taken down all their material too, not sure if this is correct.
    It’s a shame if they have.
    These two young men have done a lot for classical music in many ways. They’ve made it fun in a serious and intelligent way.
    Many people , especially youngsters who otherwise probably wouldn’t engage or have the opportunity to hear and learn anything remotely to do with classical music have been lucky enough to learn something other than what we do is “elitist”.
    In a world where the arts are constantly neglected and funding cut, we need more of their like.
    I wish them the best in whatever comes next.

  • bittermelon says:

    Wait what???!!! This is bigger than the Wang/Makela break up. What’s the back story?

  • Mecky Messer says:

    Since the 70’s the formula has been the same: Become buffoons and use comedy to “attract new audiences”.

    It hasn’t worked, it doesn’t work, it will not work, but people literally cannot put two neurons together to think of alternatives.

    It’s the proverbial dog banging itself against the wall metaphor.

    Meanwhile, the best sellers for DG, Sony and Decca are all pops artists…

  • Nil by Voice says:

    I’m not buying it, either a gimmick or their socials have been hacked.