The pianist they slaughtered on October 7

The pianist they slaughtered on October 7


norman lebrecht

October 07, 2024

Yuval Buyum, 21, was a dedicated pianist who played classical music, jazz and his own compositions. He was murdered in cold blood at noon, a year ago today, in Kfar Aza by armed Hamas invaders.

His father said: ‘In recent months Yuval was blossoming in music and in general. He had a new love in his life. He was glowing with happiness which affected all those around him and infected us all with joy. There was light simply flowing from him.’

This video survives.


  • Herr Doktor says:

    How fortunate his family is to have this recording and perhaps other recorded treasures. The losses suffered by all the families in this conflict are unimaginable.

    All the losses here and the orgy of violence suffered by Israelis, the Palestinians, and the Lebanese, are disgusting. I long for the return of all the hostages to their families and loved ones, for a restoration of peace, for the perpetrators of violence on all sides to be held accountable for their gross actions, and for justice to see the light of day so that everyone can live together in peace.

    • John Borstlap says:

      Yes, but that is not possible if most of the Arabs maintain as their priority to eliminate ‘the Jews’. The Israelis never had as a political goal ‘to eliminate the Arabs’. On top of that, pro-palestinian demonstrations in the West – apparently unaware of the fact that an overwhelming majority choose to be led by terrorists – complicate the matter. Peace is impossible if one party insists of killing the other. If you read the history, it is again and again the Arabs fighting an aggressive war and the Israelis a defensive one. This background is often forgotten.

      • V.Lind says:

        So is the beginning of the background, when Arabs were driven from their homes so that European refugees could have them.

  • Carl says:

    And how many Palestinian musicians and artists have been slaughtered in the year since? Hundreds? Thousands? It would be appropriate to see some recognition of this here as well.

    • Ellingtonia says:

      Of course none of these Palestinian musicians were out on the streets celebrating when Hamas announced they had invaded Israel and slaughtered 1200+ men, women and children. None of them in fact, voted Hamas into power and supported them since Hamas came to power did they? None of them signed up to the Hamas Charter which explicitly states that 1 Israel has no right to exist 2 There can be no negotiations between Hamas and Israel and thirdly All Jews should be hunted down and killed because ALL Palestinian musicians are peaceful ………excuse me whilst I stop laughing!

    • Guest says:

      They sure FAFO’d, didn’t they?

  • Michael says:

    Please no more genocide…stop creating Israel into the old Germany…side note…I am Roman Catholic and have forgiven the Jew Culture for their past sins…