Northern ballet appeals for opera bailout

Northern ballet appeals for opera bailout


norman lebrecht

October 20, 2024

Northern Ballet, which has been performing without live musicians, is now appealing to Opera North for some kind of joint venture.

The beleaguered ballet chiefs say:
As we shared with you 12 months ago the financial pressures on Northern Ballet, driven by rising costs, have forced us to make a number of difficult changes across the company, the most challenging of which was the decision to perform to recorded music at some performances. We fully appreciate that this has led to an uncertain and worrying period for the members of the Sinfonia.

It is now clear that the financial landscape in which we operate will remain pressured for the foreseeable future and that we need to continue to find new ways of working to ensure the sustainability of touring.

Today we informed the Musicians’ Union that we have begun a dialogue with Opera North to explore a potential partnership that would help sustain both companies. We do understand how upsetting this news may be and don’t underestimate how challenging the past 12 months have been for the members of the Sinfonia. We must look at any option that will ensure the financial stability of Northern Ballet and allow a route back to more live music for audiences who experience our work.

Opera North say:

We are beginning to explore a strategic partnership with Northern Ballet which would include the Orchestra of Opera North performing alongside the dancers of Northern Ballet, aiming to ensure that audiences continue to have access to live, large-scale ballet and opera in their local theatre.

Whichever way you look at it, musicians are going to lose orchestral jobs.


  • Officer Krupke says:

    Whichever way you look at it, this is a positive step. Perhaps report that?

    • Guest Principal says:

      Since it is self-evidently a negative step for the loyal members of the Northern Ballet Sinfonia, your ludicrously Panglossian assertion falls at the first hurdle.

  • Fran says:

    This won’t be as sudden or as one-sided as described. Leeds is a very small pond and many senior leaders in both organisations are friends. The CEO of Northern Ballet was Richard Mantle’s protegee until he jumped ship from ON not that long ago.

    • Old Holborn says:

      It’s only “sudden and one-sided” if you’re an affected musician.
      (For “musician” read: entirely dispensable, replaceable, interchangeable, low waged ‘recourse’).
      The management continues to expand, self promote and self aggrandise.

    • Guest Principal says:

      Oh, it will be ‘one-sided’ alright- management self-preservation at the expense of performers.

  • Saxon Broken says:

    Clearly, a merger means one rather than two orchestras. Can Leeds support two orchestras?