Exclusive: A filmed interview with Martha Argerich

Exclusive: A filmed interview with Martha Argerich

Daily Comfort Zone

norman lebrecht

October 10, 2024

Our partners at OperaPlus in Prague have secured the most elusive prize in classical music, a filmed conversation with Martha. The doyenne of pianists brings along her protégée Sophie Pacini, who tends to dominate the proceedings.

But Martha has insights to offer about Horowitz and Michelangeli, and her presence on screen as Sophie talks, is instructive of itself. And Martha’s pride in Sophie is visible f0r all the world to see.


photo: Daniel Hnat/OperaPlus


  • Guest says:

    The young one is very talkative…

  • Julia says:

    The young one talks too much. It would has been more interesting to listen to Martha than to listen the young pianist.

  • David says:

    I hear from time to time how generous Martha is with young pianists she meets. She seems like such a wonderful person. I would love to hear below any stories of personal encounters with her!

  • Eda says:

    A wonderful interview.
    What a difference a marvellous mentor can make to a young musician’s life. The ‘chemistry’ between them is obvious.

  • William says:

    She entitles to be classified under a new category of “narcissist “…: over expressive narcissist?