Where’s Anna Netrebko?

Where’s Anna Netrebko?


norman lebrecht

September 04, 2024

The Russian-Austrian diva has been seen this week in Amsterdam in the company of her new beau, the Hungarian-Romanian bass Alexander Köpeczi. The pair have been friends since April when they sang together in La Gioconda in Naples.

Netrebko’s recently announced divorce from Yusif Eyvazov has enabled them to get much closer, friends say.

Köpeczi has just made his debut at Dutch National Opera in Rigoletto (pictured). Netrebko is off to a debut of her own, in Bucharest tomorrow, singing arias with her ex.

Happy days.


  • Sue Sonata Form says:

    Absolute groan.

  • Larry says:

    Has anyone seen him in the same room as that Tate fellow?
    Stranger things have happened…

  • IP says:

    The title provokes false hopes that she might have got lost.

  • Sam's Hot Car Lot says:

    Alexander certainly has the look for Sparafucile.

  • thebest says:

    a new glorious career in the making?

  • Eric says:

    Just another ridiculous regie production the Dutch are so fond of.

  • Agnes says:

    Her new beau? Poor Anna. Maybe the new hell. As we can see also in the pictures.

  • Numerology Expert says:

    Wow, it looks like he is 35. She is 53. Soon. Same numbers, but just a little bit twisted.

  • Da Capo Aria says:

    So he is the reason why the diva has been so provocative in her posts lately, half-naked and licking her lips all the time! Love is in the air, happy days indeed

  • Orest85 says:

    The article is wrong. Netrebko and her ex were last night at the Puccini Gala in Madrid’s Teatro Real, not Bucharest.

  • Yuri K says:

    I’ve never understood why people read the tabloids.