Unhappy orchestras (2): LA Phil loses planning chief

Unhappy orchestras (2): LA Phil loses planning chief


norman lebrecht

September 11, 2024

We understand that Daniel Malampalli, Associate Director of Programming at the LA Phil, has quit to join Chad Smith as head of programming at the Boston Symphony. He’ll need to invest in a winter suit.

The doors are swinging merrily at Walt Disney Hall as Kim Noltemy’s new regime beds in.


  • Bobby Jones says:

    One of the sharpest tools in the box. Rising star in the business.

  • drummerman says:

    Head of programming? Where does that leave Tony Fogg?

  • CA says:

    Kim is actually one of the very few highly capable, highly competent orchestra LEADERS today. I guess it’s been a while since LA had that.

  • LAP member says:

    Mr. Lebrecht frequently suggests that the LA Phil is struggling and an ‘unhappy orchestra,’ but nothing could be further from the truth. In reality, we’re one of the most financially secure orchestras in the country, with a strong sense of camaraderie and high morale among our members. Not to mention, we offer some of the highest salaries in the world and maintain a substantial endowment. We truly are a ‘happy’ orchestra in every sense. Gustavo will always be part of our family, even after he transitions to the NYP, following 17 incredible years with us. I have full confidence that we will find a worthy successor, and Kim and the team are diligently working on that. So, Mr. Lebrecht, please stop the speculation and sensationalism—we’re doing just fine.

    • Karden says:

      The economics of things like orchestras calls to mind Dudamel’s recent concert at the Hollywood Bowl. It was music from the “Marvels Cinematic Universe,” which various purists will rolls their eyes about. But today’s culture and economy are not forgiving, particularly in the US, less so in Europe or Asia.

      As for politics, a film in 2023 under the Marvels brand (overly affected by DEI-ESG) did tank. So the LAP’s board, when making a decision about their next music director, will hopefully keep the ideology down. Or: “The person does check off certain boxes but is not exceptionally good or charismatic. Next!”

    • M2N2K says:

      The “member” doth protest too much, methinks.

    • Carl says:

      “transitions to the NYP.” You mean when he resigns for another job?

  • Gavin Elster says:

    VERY happy to see Chad Smith, and his rude, entitled attitude gone! Welcome Kim Noltemy!

  • Lenny Bern says:

    good riddance

  • anon says:

    Please, when is Alex Ross moving out of LA to join Chad Smith in Boston? What is he holding out for?? A Harvard graduate reporting on his idol James Levine’s former orchestra and his best friend’s current orchestra. Sounds perfect to me, no?