Two donors sue US orchestra

Two donors sue US orchestra


norman lebrecht

September 25, 2024

It’s the troubled San Antonio Philharmonic, again.

Two key backers have demanded the return of $180,000, which they say were loans.

The orchestra’s CEO says they will contest this claim in court.

No winners here.


  • Tricky Sam says:

    Dumb and dumber.

  • Fenway says:

    At least they’ve got good mariachi bands in San Antonio…

  • BP says:

    As a member of this orchestra, we all know the SA local union is to blame for the destruction of SAS. Worst union in all of AFM.

  • drummerman says:

    I’m not a lawyer but if it truly was a loan, as compared to a gift, wouldn’t there be some sort of paperwork detailing the terms of the loan?