Top quartet loses violist after just a year

Top quartet loses violist after just a year


norman lebrecht

September 18, 2024

The Dover Quartet, which positioned itself ‘to take up the mantle of the Emersons’ has suffered a setback with the withdrawal of violist Julianne Lee. She has decided she prefers her old job in the Boston Symphony, where she was assistant principal second violin and principal second violin with the Boston Pops. She joined the quartet in February 2023.

Here’s how Julianne puts it:

I have some bittersweet news to share. This past year with the Dover Quartet has been a wonderful whirlwind of touring, performing, recording, and building friendships. I’ve bonded with Joel, Bryan, and Camden both musically and personally in deeply meaningful ways, and I am incredibly grateful for our time together. I will continue to tour with the Dover Quartet through June 2025. However, being part of one of the world’s most in-demand quartets requires being on the road much of the time, and I’ve realized that this schedule doesn’t align as well with my lifestyle as a position with a home orchestra does. I’ve missed the routine and musical experiences of the Boston Symphony, and I will be returning to the orchestra in July for the Tanglewood season. Until then, I’m excited for this upcoming year with my fellow Dovers. Joel, Bryan, and Camden look forward to auditioning my replacement and announcing my successor in the spring.

The Dover Quartet is resident at the Curtis Institute in Philadelphia.


  • J Fluye says:

    Another woman leaves the quartet after the previous violist left due to a fight with the first violinist. Perhaps, they should hire a male violist next time to please the bully first violinist.

  • Clark says:

    I did see on the roster that he is doing a trial for the concertmaster position for our Cleveland Orchestra so this news makes sense. Is the quartet staying or is everyone looking for new jobs? I did hear that the first violinist hates successful women so let’s see how the ladies in our orchestra responds to this news. We should interview the previous violist of the quartet regarding his personality and leadership skills!

  • Brian K says:

    Another year…another woman leaving the male filled group just like the woman concertmaster of Berlin Phil leaving for the same reason. I wonder if the work environment is toxic too in the quartet. My chamber music coach said the first violinist got in trouble at Curtis because he called the admin lady a “c u n t” and enjoys to write long disputing emails to people to kill time when not performing.

  • Pauline says:

    Isn’t the first violinist leaving too since he’s auditioning for the Cleveland Orchestra concertmaster? My friend in the orchestra said he’s on the list. But oh boy, he will bring some personal baggage to the orchestra. This will be interesting.

  • JBVio says:

    I see Milena and friends are out in force today…

    • Luke says:

      Yeah it’s unfortunately transparent that it’s the same person posting these malicious comments…in poor taste I might add. looks like a cyberbullying lawsuit just waiting to happen

  • Couperin says:

    These Curtis kids are so toxic and awful. St. Paul Chamber Orchestra is full of them. One of the young violin ringers there (of course from Curtis) once told me that Stravinsky’s Pulcinella was a piece of crap because “it’s just fake baroque music.” Made me laugh.. on a number of levels.

  • Susan Culpo says:

    Lucky BSO!

  • Monty Earleman says:

    She is an extraordinary violinist/violist/musician. Their loss.

  • guest1847 says:

    “violist Julianne Lee. She has decided she prefers her old job in the Boston Symphony, where she was assistant principal second violin and principal second violin”

    Fairly surprised that no one has taken swipes at violists yet

  • Larry W says:

    It is disappointing that some people will look for intrigue where none exists. Julianne’s leaving the quartet was a difficult decision, made more so because they had a wonderful working relationship and have become close friends through her time with them. Wish her well and leave it at that.

  • Hugh says:

    Beside Harold Of Italy, is there any music for a viola?

  • Plush says:

    In no way is the Dover Quartet any sort of sucessor to the Emerson Quartet. I have heard both groups tens of times and there is a wide gap in talent, capability, tone, agility on the instruments, and most important for the Dover, a lack of insight. Contentious people it sounds like to me.

  • Victor W. says:

    Yup this first violinist throws around words like ch*** and “widescreen” when discussing a particular group of people