The Ganz Kleine Nachtmusik gets a world premiere

The Ganz Kleine Nachtmusik gets a world premiere

Why Beethoven

norman lebrecht

September 24, 2024

Leipzigers attended a free premiere on Saturday of one of the recent Mozart discoveries, a 12-minute trio titled Serenate ex C.

It is listed in the new Köchel catalogue as the “Ganz kleine Nachtmusik”, or ‘very little night music’ and catalogued as KV648. Mozart was maybe ten when he wrote it.

The piece was played in a packed foyer of the Leizig Opera and repeated for larger crowds on the steps outside.


  • zandonai says:

    K.648 ?? That’s really messed up and counter-intuitive. Why didn’t they move the Requieum to the last spot and make the list chronological?