Sacked conductor ‘used threatening language’

Sacked conductor ‘used threatening language’


norman lebrecht

September 18, 2024

The Belgian newspaper De Standaard has some additional details of why the early-music group Anima Eterna this week fired its ‘aggressive’ founder Jos Van Immerseel.

The ensemble, it appears, was in transition from Van Immerseel’s leadership to a triumvirate of successors, Pablo Heras-Casado, Midori Seiler and Bart Van Reyn.

Van Immerseel ‘became increasingly critical of the guest conductors and the artistic vision that they developed together with the orchestra. And he expressed that in a less than constructive way.’

A player added that he ‘contacted people internally in an aggressive manner, made disparaging remarks about conductors, board members and people from the permanent staff, and used threatening language. It is a shame. He will be 80 next year. We wanted to congratulate him and wave him goodbye in style. But he himself has made that impossible.’

Van Immerseel denies it: ‘This dismissal has hit me like a bombshell. It is also theft of my livelihood, I no longer have an income. The board has sent a letter to all members of the orchestra. That is two hundred musicians from all over Europe. It is inhumane. That I would have ignored the values of the orchestra is nonsense. I founded Anima Eterna myself and invested my own money in it to keep it afloat. I formally protest against the content and form of this press release. This is abuse of power and intimidation, a murder of my life’s work. It could only have been written by people who were poorly informed or misled.’

His lawyer adds: ‘The allegations are slanderous and false. In view of these slanderous allegations, we will take necessary legal steps.’


  • John Borstlap says:

    Heavily Insulting Proceedings.

  • John Borstlap says:

    Let’s not forget that the invitation to, say, a horn player to play more forte, can be experienced as ‘threatening language’.

  • Robert says:

    An early music group?

    These situations always remind me of the Henry Kissinger line, “The arguments are so intense precisely because the stakes are so small.”

  • Elly W says:

    Will the orchestra change its name? Anima Eterna is a latin translation of his name, Immerseel!

  • Herbie G says:

    One wonders what would have happened to Toscanini, Solti, Szell, Rodzinski and Mahler if they had been conducting today…

  • professional musician says:

    From what i heard from a player who regularly plays with the band, he wasn´t a part of the problem.He was the problem…And it was going on for quite a long time.

  • Philipp Lord Chandos says:

    These woke millennials will soon be alone on this planet to realize that they have cut off the branch they were sitting on.