Orchestra clearout in Budapest

Orchestra clearout in Budapest


norman lebrecht

September 18, 2024

We hear that the Orban regime has dismissed the entire management of the Hungarian Radio Symphony Orchestra. The purge includes General Director, Artistic Director, PR and Marketing departments.

The conductor Gabor Kali has been appointed General Director, as well as Artistic and Music Director, on Orban’s expressed order.


  • Herr Doktor says:

    Next up: Der Fuhrer Orban is not fond of how Beethoven unfolds the second half of the 4th movement of his 9th symphony, and orders changes via re-composition for all performances that take place in the People’s Democracy of Hungary. And he plans to invite his fellow democratically-elected leaders Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong-un, and President Xi of China, to attend the premiere, along with an orange dictator wannabe.

    • Retired Cellist says:

      How desperately the latter wants to join that club… and how little respect they actually have for him.

    • Cameron Paul says:

      I bet if the orange dictator was black you wouldn’t be making this type of reference. Double standards?

      • Herr Doktor says:

        I’m genuinely laughing – that’s the best retort you can come up with?

        My response: I’ll own up to ABSOLUTELY being bigoted against orange convicted felons who sexually assaulted one or more women and who bragged about it to reporters, and who are serial fraudsters, and who have repeatedly financially cheated small businessmen who performed work for their companies, and who have had 5 children with three women, and who have cheated on every single woman they have married, and who are traitors, and who are…

        Yes, I’ll own that.

        And if they were black instead of orange, I would be equally bigoted against any such black convicted felons who sexually assaulted one or more women and who bragged about it to reporters, and who are serial fraudsters…

      • professional musician says:

        But he isn´t black.He is orange, at least as long as the sweat doesn´t wash it away….And. they are eating our pets!!!

  • Sisko24 says:

    While I don’t doubt this is a ‘purge,’ does anyone know the stated reason? Or for that matter, the actual reason? Is this an attempt at ideological purity? Ethnic purity? Nepotism? Or is there something else at play?

  • Larry L. Lash says:

    Several performances by the Hungarian National Philharmonic Orchestra and Choir scheduled over the course of the current season at Musikverein have been marked as “Abgesagt” (cancelled) for some time. I asked a colleague based in Budapest for a reason and he had no idea. I wonder if this is tied to the realignment of the Hungarian Radio Orchestra, and what else may be changed/cut under Orbán.