Opéra de Paris in Slippedisc debut

Opéra de Paris in Slippedisc debut


norman lebrecht

September 06, 2024

Opéra national de Paris makes its Slippedisc and OperaVision debut with Gaspare Spontini’s La Vestale, a rarely performed opera that was triumphantly received when it premiered on this very stage in 1807. Stage director Lydia Steier explores the themes of religious extremism and militaristic zeal: can love have any hope of surviving between these two ruthless extremes? Conductor Bertrand de Billy leads the Orchestra of the Paris Opera and a first-rate cast, including Elza van den Heever as Julia, Michael Spyres as her beloved Licinius, and Eve-Maud Hubeaux as the Grande Vestale.


The Plot:  priestess Julia watches over the eternal flame of the goddess Vesta. While the Great Vestal condemns to death every virgin who breaks her vow of chastity, Julia is delighted to be reunited with Licinius, who has returned from war as a victorious Roman general. One night, as the two lovers swear their love before the temple altar, the eternal flame goes out…

Subtitles in French and English.

Streamed on 6th September 2024 at 1900 CET / 1800  London  /  1300 New York


  • Miles says:

    Ah! I thought you were going to announce Heras-Casado as their next Music Director, which seems to be a done deal

  • Anonymois says:

    Thank you for including this video. I love this music and thought the orchestra and singing was very good, considering that this opera is rarely produced. Didn’t care for the updated production, which I found dark and grim.