Now Berlin cuts music lessons in schools

Now Berlin cuts music lessons in schools


norman lebrecht

September 15, 2024

This message has been posted by the Komische Oper Berlin, some of whose musicians are freelance school teachers:

As one of the most important cultural institutions in Berlin, the Komische Oper Berlin has been committed to promoting culture and musical education for children and young people for many years through a very extensive education program that has now become an essential part of our repertoire. In particular, through our educational offerings in the area of ​​children’s operas and children’s concerts for schools, we also reach children who would be denied access to cultural education and integration for various reasons if it were not for the support of such projects and institutions in Berlin. These children are our future, not only as guests in our house and in other cultural institutions, but also as potential new talent for our wonderful profession.

We all know that education is the key to a peaceful future, that music can connect cultures without any barriers and overcome borders. Our entire society and the survival of all cultures depends on these being lived and practiced, that children must have the opportunity, even if they come from poorer families, to learn instruments themselves and thus become part of those who continue to live and pass on our colorful culture.

As an essential part of education, our lecturers and freelance staff at music schools and music colleges lay the foundation for this. There are now also many intercultural offerings that reflect our society, build bridges and create a connection between the most diverse cultures. The impending loss of freelance staff in the musical and artistic fields would deprive many children, young people and adults of affordable lessons and targeted support. The consequences for our society would be unforeseeable. It is a significant investment in the future of our families, our children, our culture, society and democratic participation and a sign against exclusion.

We reject the idea that artistic education should be made dependent on the financial situation of the parents and thus become a privilege for the “higher earners”. Of course, we are in favor of permanent employment of the current freelancers in order to provide them with social security and better pay. However, if it becomes apparent that this cannot be financed to the extent necessary, a way must be found to retain the freelancers anyway.

We therefore urgently ask all decision-makers to find a solution to maintain the offerings at the music schools.
The Orchestra of the Komische Oper Berlin.


  • Ok then says:

    Instead of the stupid music lessons (who even needs them) “berliners” will have a dose of drag queen story hour for the kidz, which is far more EdUcAtioNaL nowadays.

    • Eric Wright says:

      If I was a betting man, I would put good money on their being professional commenters in forums everywhere whose job it is to shoehorn “woke agenda” freakouts into any discussion, no matter how unrelated, with the intent to inciting arguments and strife.

      So anyway…. did you have a point here?

    • WillymH says:

      Where exactly did it say that in the statement? Or is this just your chance to voice your own pet peeve?

  • Mecky Messer says:

    “Its the arts….give me all your budget. This is more important than water. Who says so? Well all the solid data corroborating that listening to Bach and Mozart make for a better society, makes you a better person, and the more you listen to it the better human you become…thats why this guy who loves Beethoven and Wagner – named Adolf – was such a trailblazer in the 1930’s…..OH WAIT! NO – NO! DON’T TAKE THE MONEY AWAY!!”

    Rinse & repeat

    • Sue Sonata Form says:

      And we certainly do want ‘better’ people. Seems Adolf isn’t really dead; he has just morphed into a new ideology.

  • Ben says:

    If you had done your homework as a journalist instead of relying on a single source and unreliable tools such as Google Translate, you would know that this isn’t about cutting music lessons in Berlin. The text isn’t actually referring to music lessons at school (which will continue to be obligatory) but to instrumental lessons at so-called music schools, which some students attend in their free time. The current conflict is about the legal status of the instrumental and vocal tutors who teach at those music schools and whether or not they can continue to work as freelancers of if they need to be employed as staff members, in which case both the tutors and their employer (i.e. the state of Berlin) would be liable to pay pension contributions. That’s the essential context you should have provided instead of adding a misleading headline.

  • Catch21 says:

    In 1976 my high school band director predicted the demise of classical music and the decline of the symphony Orchestra. In 2024 it’s clear he was correct. The urban schools dumped traditional music classes, especially strings years ago. Bands got smaller and choirs as well. Making music is a social art requiring people to play together and audiences to show up. Sadly, the streaming death of our culture has taken root. Pop and RAP or Hip Hop is the mindless droning garbage young audiences are about, not classical, which is associated with colonialsm.

    • Sue Sonata Form says:

      But don’t you just feel the tiniest bit sorry for them, welded to their fate as fans of ‘pop music’? I certainly do. They’re not ‘better’ or ‘worse’ people, simply denied the transcendent, for whatever reason. More to be pitied than blamed.

    • guest1847 says:

      In today’s primitive and atavistic society, it cannot be denied that despite prodigious effort over the centuries and a plethora of civilizing influences, we are fast losing our precious love of the arts, much to the corruptive preference of jungle drums and whatever else is guaranteed to bring out the savage in all of us; to manifest all the negative aspects of our fallen nature, bequeathed to us by our First Parents, Adam and Eve, thereby carrying on as though we lived in a tree!


  • George says:

    You won’t hear it on the Far Left BBC but the German economy is in trouble. Big trouble.

    Payback for Net Zero and mass immigration from what was known as the Third World.

    Music education will become a luxury in many Western countries, including the UK.

  • Jennifer Abbo says:

    A social and cultural crime; so sad.
    You are Germany, not Australia