Maestro plays: Peter Oundjian gets an upgrade

Maestro plays: Peter Oundjian gets an upgrade


norman lebrecht

September 10, 2024

The Colorado Symphony has promoted its principal conductor, Peter Oundjian, to music director.

The agreeable Oundjian was formerly chief of the Toronto Symphony and the Royal Scottish National Orchestra.

Long before that, he played a football trial for Chelsea.



  • Larry says:

    And was first violin with the Tokyo String Quartet.

  • John Kelly says:

    Being scouted for Chelsea along with the tens of thousands they’ve added to their squad for this season…….

  • Ken Lee says:

    Nice guy… he can occasionally pull off a good concert – that’s if he isn’t too excitable.

  • Guy says:

    He conducts at Yale too. They always put on a good show with him.

  • Joe Meh says:

    Peter is a significant improvement on their t-Rex ‘resident conductor’

  • Nick2 says:

    I know little about most of the US orchestras outside the top 10 or so. Where does Colorado come in the pecking order, I wonder? Is it not for Oundjian something of a step down from Toronto and the RSNO? Just curious.

    • Guest says:

      Colorado is a major, but not top tier orchestra. It would be a step down from TSO/RNSO, yes, in terms of orchestra’s overall budget and prominence in their respective countries.

  • Alex Klein says:

    A focal dystonia survivor, knows what it is to bring up a situation even when the odds are tough. That may not be the case of the Colorado Symphony but it certainly was with the Toronto Symphony which he brought up from the depths of trouble. Colorado is lucky to have him. He knows how to move things forward.