Keir Starmer is listening to Shostakovich

Keir Starmer is listening to Shostakovich


norman lebrecht

September 24, 2024

In his speech to the Labour Party conference, the prime minister Starmer stressed the need to give opportunities to children, talking of his love of learning flute as a child. His first trip abroad, he mentioned was with the Croydon Youth Philharmonic Orchestra.

These days, he says, he turns to orchestral music when the ‘reviews aren’t that good’ and the pressure is high.

‘I’ve got some Shostakovich lined up for tomorrow,’ he quipped.

This –

This –

Or this?


  • Rob says:

    Symphony No 7 – Londongrad

  • George says:

    Somewhat ironic given how Shostakovich suffered under the Communist regime…..

  • Edward Clark says:

    Why Russian music for god’s sake?
    Not very patriotic is it Starmer?
    We are at war with Russia as if you did not know.
    Stop boasting. Play some Elgar.

  • Philipp Lord Chandos says:

    The 7th, last movement.

    Chicago under Lenny.

  • NoteSplitter says:

    Lord Big Dave hummed Shostakovich 5 on the Downing Street steps after the Brexit vote

  • A pensioner says:

    I think the first one “A Labour leader’s reply to just criticism” to misquote DSCH himself!

  • Irving08 says:

    How about the 5th Symphony ? – repent before the country for his pessimistic messaging..

  • John Borstlap says:

    It seems to be a rather dangerous sign if a Prime Minister, in these troubled times, turns to Shostakovich symphonies.

  • Peter San Diego says:

    Maybe the Viola Sonata Op. 147?

  • James says:

    If you really believe in music education and professional arts Kier, prove it and support us with real investment.

    • my permanent pseudonym says:

      AND consider how many gifted young musicians are the recipient of a Music Scholarship at a private school (including those at Reigate Grammar School) or choristers in Choir Schools and other pupils at dedicated music schools), thereby enabling the parents whose income might otherwise be very modest, to be able cover any remaining fees – just….

      Before VAT, of course.

  • James says:

    If you really believe in music education and professional arts Keir, prove it and support us with real investment.

  • Gregor Tassie says:

    He is not going to encourage many pensioners to listen to Shostakovich when they are freezing in their homes this winter…

  • Diane Valerie says:

    “I’ve got some Shostakovich lined up for tomorrow” … Well why not? It is Shostie’s birthday after all!

  • Philipp Lord Chandos says:

    Таити трот Op. 16

    between 3:30 pm and 5 pm

  • Tony Sanderson says:

    Shostakovich’s 8th Symphony might help us prepare for October’s Halloween budget.

  • Graham says:

    He toured with CYPO. I imagine that’s under the baton of Arthur Davison. To quote one of maestro’s catchphrases: “Mothers aren’t here.” Character building (or destroying, depending on how one recalls it).