Concert pianist evaluates Miss America contestants

Concert pianist evaluates Miss America contestants

Daily Comfort Zone

norman lebrecht

September 03, 2024

Sara Davis Buechner has an entertaining new video on the classical piano credentials of young women entering beauty pageants such as Miss America.



  • John Borstlap says:

    Finally some classical music events that’s interesting!


  • J Barcelo says:

    That the audience would applaud so loudly in approval partially explains why so many amateur, poor sounding orchestras get audiences: people have no clue what real musicianship is all about. But to their credit, these women try. At the men’s competitions they don’t even pretend to have any artistic skills.

    • Lorenz1060 says:

      “Men’s competitions?” The Mr. America Pageant, or do you mean more like rugby?

    • Jason says:

      I would humbly submit that in some cases not even pretending to have artistic skills you don’t really possess may in fact be the wiser choice.

  • Such it is... says:

    I’ve seen some of these in the past. The thing that struck me was the seemingly appalling teaching. What teacher or coach would let a student go out in public like that?? I get that it is a pageant, that there is a time limit and they need something showy and maybe abridged, but….

    I also get that the video is supposed to be lighthearted, but isn’t this the problem – that we laugh and sneer from the tower when we should be accepting the amateur and offering guidance? And if Ms. Beuchner is going to giggle at memory lapses, the Tchaikovsky competition video is still out there.

  • Robert says:

    This all seems a bit churlish.

    I’ve heard 12-tone works that sounded exactly like Miss Elizondo’s Chopin performance… yet elicited not one snicker!

    Two things that sound the same but one is lauded and the other is ridiculed. So unfair!

    I look forward to the panel of beauty contestants that appraises Ms. Davis Buechner’s efforts in a swimsuit competition.

    I’m sure they’d have some pointers.

  • Mark Mortimer says:

    Wasn’t she the one who was originally a bloke who was a Tchaikovsky competition laureate? An interesting downward spiral career trajectory judging beauty pageants- must be for the bucks.