Chairman wins another competition for his students

Chairman wins another competition for his students


norman lebrecht

September 16, 2024

Remember this headline: Beethoven Competition is won by chairman’s pupil?

Well, Pavel Gililov has done it again.

The winner of the Hummel Piano Competition, Russia’s Anastasiia Kliuchereva, studies at the Mozarteum in Salzburg with Gililov. So does one of the two runners-up.

The Hummel Competition takes place in Slovakia, one of the more corrupt members of the EU, so nobody’s really bothered. But the presiding body is the International Federation of Music Competitions, and they really ought to pay more attention. Slippedisc has been tracking this so-called impartial judge for 11 years.


  • Mafia much says:

    Actually, all three finalists study with members of the jury.

    Yuki Amako (3rd) studies with Pavel Gililov at Mozarteum

    Harrison Herman (2nd) studies with Leonel Morales (member of the jury)

    • Tired of competitions says:

      Leonel Morales is actually a shameless joke…

    • Let's be honest says:

      Talking about mafia, what about the most recent ARD Cello competition? President of the jury Frans Helmerson is or was one way or another taught many of the competitors?

    • anon says:

      Please correct it: Mr. Amako and Mr. Herman are tied for 2nd prize, just like the last contest in 2021. A fun fact is that the jury member Leonal Morales’ son has studied at Mozarteum with Pavel Gililov. Do you see any connection? I can’t.

  • Anthony Sayer says:

    There’s probably more corruption in Brussels and Paris than in the whole of Slovakia.

  • David says:

    It sounds like he might be keeping himself in a job by ensuring his pupils get prizes – it’s a racket and everybody in the know is in the know. It’s just the public who might not have such in-depth knowledge of this alleged corrupt behaviour when reading puffed up CVs for recent graduates that could be taken in by it.

  • Pianofortissimo says:

    Billy: ‘He must be a very good teacher.’

    • Anon says:

      Oh, you mean that Billy? who plays only Dutilleux’s piano sonata, Carl Vine’s bagatelles,the first movement of Debussy’s Images,Rachmaninoff prelude in D and Piano sonata no.21 by Beethoven in every international competition for more than ten years?

  • George T. says:

    Norman can you report on Mr. Domingo and his friend (manager) Alessandro Ariosi who are currently dragging many of artists in this agency into winning positions in Operalia and have been doing so since many years?

  • RH says:

    The Hummel Competition is not a member of the World federation of International Music Competitions… for good reasons apparently.

  • Ludwig's Van says:

    Does anyone give a damn about who wins the International Hummel Piano competition? I mean, really….