Biz news: HP grabs film star from Lang Lang’s agent

Biz news: HP grabs film star from Lang Lang’s agent


norman lebrecht

September 06, 2024

HarrisonParrott are crowing that they have signed the huge-selling Japanese film composer Joe Hisaishi for global management.

Hisaishi was previously with Lang Lang’s manager Jean-Jacques Cesbron.

Quite a coup.


  • Boring says:

    This guy’s music is totally insipid, it’s unbelievable how popular he has become. Sure the movies are cute but this guy is NOT like a John Williams or Bernard Hermann or Jerry Goldsmith or fill in the blank. Technically his music is at a 4th grade level, IF THAT!

    • HReardon says:

      Spot-on! The cultural dummying down continues.

    • guest1847 says:

      I always ask myself if those who judge the quality of a certain musical work actually know how to read a score

      • HReardon says:

        I don’t know about others but for me a 1/2 Century+ of serious performance, teaching, listening and study of the great composers makes it quite easy to assess how Mr Hisaishi’s “scores” stack up in the grand scheme of things. How about you?

        • guest1847 says:

          It probably is that Joe Hisaishi isn’t very good at what he does! But you can’t disagree that a lot of people judge the quality of a musical work, though they are themselves thoroughly unqualified. Just go find someone on the streets; everyone and their dog has strong opinions about what the best music is.

          I remember someone trying to make a case for Beethoven’s ninth symphony being greater than the traditional music of all cultures out there, right in front of a composer! When the composer questioned further, he admitted to not knowing how to read a full score

  • Philipp Lord Chandos says:

    HP Sauce