Birmingham fills up on £1 tickets

Birmingham fills up on £1 tickets


norman lebrecht

September 20, 2024

The City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra’s Season of Joy opened last night to a packed house.

A correspondent writes: ‘The near-capacity audience was bolstered by an offer of tickets for a pound for those with a Birmingham postcode willing to queue for the special offer.’

The blurb about filming has been amended to this: We are happy for you to take photos and short videos at our concerts during applause breaks. We ask that you are mindful of disturbing artists and other audience members. Please dim the brightness on your phone, and do not use your flash.



  • Emil says:

    So…they filled the hall with affordable tickets for residents who wanted to attend (and with a serious program, not some dumbed down crossover), and they have a policy on filming that exactly matches what literally every other hall and orchestra does.

    Got it.

    • Lloydie says:

      Yes, quite. I was there last night and it was a complete triumph: the chorus, orchestra and Kazuki were on fire. Strauss’ Metamorphosen has never sounded so intense and lovely to me. One does wonder why this simple change of filming / photography policy could not have been effected immediately after the Bostridge debacle. It does smack of CEO recalcitrance? “I’m not going to be told what to do by you bloody lot…” A great deal of bad blood would have been saved had the whole thing been sorted straight away back then. In the meantime – superb start to the season. Bravo CBSO + Chorus + Kazuki.

  • Tim says:

    It was a wonderful night! Full house and a standing ovation. Amazing atmosphere.

    So glad the £1 ticket scheme has helped – it’s a good news story for a city and an orchestra who’ve had a rough time.

    Exactly what the doctor ordered! Great start to the season.

    • Paul Brownsey says:

      Oh dear. So standing ovations have spread from theatres to concert halls. If you won’t or can’t stand, you can only see the backside of the person in front you when you applaud.

      • Lloydie says:

        I am afraid this comment is curmugeonly. I too dislike endless and needless ovations – but please agree that there are times when it is merited – and this was one. Besides – this orchestra – and many others – need all the encourgement and support they can get at the moment. It is a tad joyless to think and suggest otherwise.

  • Simon Fairclough says:

    Another great initiative from the CBSO team, building on the recent ‘CBSO in the city’ week. Keep up the good work!

  • Hugh P says:

    Great to see a full hall anywhere these days. CBSO’s website is also advertising for a Planning Director role who can hopefully help steer Stenning the right way forwards (and at £65k salary, it should be a good one)

  • Mary Gilbert says:

    Hurray well done CBSO! It is a very positive move and has got many more people, who wouldn’t otherwise attend, engage. I fail to see how you can possibly make this a negative! As professional musicians we are fearing for our livelihoods on a daily basis and the continuation of our art form. Please only helpful posts!

  • David says:

    Whatever the merits of getting more people into the hall and hearing a (by all accounts) rousing performance, it sounds like a financial loss-leader to me – the orchestra can’t do this very often I would not have thought. A decent initiative though, so I applaud them for that.

    • Selly Oak says:

      They sold a few hundred pairs of tickets at £1, targetting first-time concertgoers, spread across the entire season of 50+ concerts. The hall seats around 2,200 people and there have been hundreds of seats empty for most concerts since Simon Rattle left Birmingham over 25 years ago. It’s a no brainer to fill some of the empty seats while de-risking attending for the first time through initiatives of this sort. Bravo CBSO. Less smart has been the price increase for low priced seats for regulars who can’t afford more.

  • Robin Smith says:

    Did they open the Grand Tier for this ? It was already very well sold prior to this offer.

    • Bostin'Symph says:

      They did open the Grand Tier, which was also almost full to capacity. And yes, it was a well-selling concert even before the £1 ticket offer was made. I’ve paid a lot more per concert for my seats, but I don’t for one minute begrudge the special offer: my impression is that a lot of people who have never been to a CBSO concert before bought tickets, and I applaud the initiative.

    • Lloydie says:

      Yes, and yes. But it was so heart-warming to see it full. That was partly the programming, partly the “start of season”, partly Kazuki (Bham audiences love him) and of course the great orchestra itself. If you care to look at the booking for the woke “CBSO Explores” stuff – they are selling appallingly. Easy lessons there, CEO! Those lessons will be ignored, though… I do wonder what the musicians think.

  • Tim Walton says:

    This £1 special offer was only for 2 tickets across the whole season, not just for this concert.