Adam keeps his job past 80

Adam keeps his job past 80


norman lebrecht

September 13, 2024

The Hungarian conductor Adam Fischer turned 75 this week.

By way of a birthday present, the Düsseldorfer Symphoniker renewed his contract as chief conductor by five more years, to 2023.

Adam is the elder brother of Budapest Festival conductor Ivan Fischer.


  • yaron says:

    A very good conductor and a charming person.

  • TITUREL says:

    He is a very fine Wagner conductor, among many other things. His Rings have been brilliant.

  • Stella says:

    Five more years is 2029

    • Signor Destino says:

      Thanks Stella. One of my major pet peeves is people not proofreading. One of the laundry list of why the world is in backwards tilt these days.

  • Nathalie Krafft says:

    C’est 2030 officiellement

  • Andrew Clarke says:

    I’m three years older than Mr Fischer and am currently listening to his amazing de-gunked version of Brahms no. 2 with the Danish Chamber Orchestra, as warmly recommended by our friend from Wilmington, Delaware; no not Joe Biden, the other one …

  • Player says:

    I recall a very great Fidelio at the Vienna Staatsoper in 2003 – complete with a rip-snorting Leonore No.3.

    What a family!

  • Fabio Luisi says:

    I still vividly remember Tristan in Graz. I was a student at the Musikhochshule, and he came as a guest conductor at the Opera House. It must have been 1981 or 1982. I was so charmed by this authentic and unassuming way of making music. I met him several times, and we had a pleasant conversation in New York some years ago. A wonderful person and an excellent conductor. I am happy for the Düsseldorfer Symphoniker (an excellent orchestra btw) to have him as a chief conductor. It is good to see that some orchestras still choose their conductors for their quality and not for their visibility.