A young American at the Concertgebouw

A young American at the Concertgebouw


norman lebrecht

September 12, 2024

The Dutch orchestra has just released named of its 14 Academy members for the coming season. All are EU citizens, bar one American:

Lena Aigner (Austria): violin
Katharina Von Behren (Germany): violin
Pauline Herold (Germany): violin
Sam Panner (USA): violin
Valerie Schweighofer (Germany): violin
Francisca Galante (Portugal): viola
Felipe Manzano (Spain): viola
Pietro Silvestri (Italy): cello
Ana García Sánchez (Spain): double bass
Andreia Da Costa (Portugal): flute
Javier Sanz Pascual (Spain): bassoon
Lou-Anne Dutreix (France): horn
Tomás Ferreira (Portugal): trombone
Gerben Jongsma (Netherlands): percussion


  • Don Ciccio says:

    Juts one Dutch. I remember some years ago when I met Bernard Haitink after a NY Philharmonic concert (Bruckner 7), I asked him what he thought about today’s Concertgebouw in comparison with the days when he was their chief conductor. He said that today’s band is an international orchestra and did not want to speak any more on the subject.

  • Willym says:

    And that matters, why?

    • Kyle Wiedmeyer says:

      The North American and European orchestral worlds do not cross over very often, but generally there are more Europeans in American orchestras, especially in titled chairs, than vice versa. It’s not a *big* deal, but it’s a deal.

    • Kyle A Wiedmeyer says:

      The North American and European orchestral worlds do not cross over very often, but generally there are more Europeans in American orchestras, especially in titled chairs, than vice versa. It’s not a *big* deal, but it’s a deal.

  • William Boughton says:

    Congratulations Sam from the Yale Symphony Orchestra.

  • Marmar says:

    My FAVORITE European orchestra, second likely being Frankfurt!