Winchester inquiry: Dean of Norwich is co-opted

Winchester inquiry: Dean of Norwich is co-opted


norman lebrecht

August 22, 2024

The Very Reverend Jane Hedges, Dean of Norwich Cathedral from 2014 to 2022, has been called in to assist in the Bishop’s Review of Winchester Cathedral, where the unhappy comings and goings have been recorded in these pages.

‘In-person interviews are being organised by the reviewers throughout September and beyond,’ the website says.


  • Anon says:

    Let’s hope that truth will now out, and justice be served, instead of more cover-up, and ‘economy’.

  • Failed Organist says:

    Why oh why has another female Dean with a similar track record of the one at Winchester been brought in?!
    Is the Bishop of Winchester not capable of making a enquiry or decision on his own?
    This whole investigation will turn out to be a whitewash and the clergy will stick together on this one in favour against the musicians. Just mark my words and see.

    • Anon says:

      Couldn’t agree more. Why is the Church apparently incapable of decisive action? (except the wrong sort doled out by a bully)

    • Peter says:

      Couldn’t agree more. I live in Norwich and can assure you the ex “dean of Norwich”, Mrs Hedges was a disaster here. The pinnacle of her tenure in Norwich Cathedral was installing the fairground helter skelter in the nave. Nobody knew what that was all about. She was very divisive decades ago in Portsmouth Cathedral. The bottom of the barrel must have been reached if Mrs Hedges is the cavalry in Winchester Cathedral. Further disasters forecast.

    • Anon says:

      In fairness to the Bishop, he was criticised for making the decision to hand the issue back to Dean and Chapter. Mark Byford resigned and the Bishop had greater concerns, which caused him to instigate the Independent Inquiry. That is the correct path, and possibly should have happened in the first place. Now he is now being crticicised for not making a decision himself. With the best will in the world folks, you can’t have the cake and eat it, as Marie Antoinette discovered!
      A large number of people are believed to have submitted evidence, and it would perhaps be supportive to those who have been hurt most, for trust in the process to be shown, until, or unless it’s PROVED to be wrong. Someone who knows far better than I, assures me that it will be forensic.

  • Peter says:

    Mrs Hedges is, of course, the RETIRED Dean of Norwich Cathedral.

  • Chris Nickol says:

    I’ve just listened to a 1992 BBC Radio programme ‘Comparing Notes’ where David Hill talks to Richard Baker about the music at Winchester Cathedral. Mr. Hill mentions that 25% of the cathedral’s budget is devoted to the music and I’m wondering how that compares to the cathedral’s current & projected budgets?