Two singers quit ENO’s Elixir

Two singers quit ENO’s Elixir


norman lebrecht

August 20, 2024

Uncertainty at English National Opera is affecting long-term casting plans. The company says:

Due to unforeseen circumstances, Innocent Masuku and Nmon Ford have withdrawn from playing the roles of Nemorino and Belcore respectively in Donizetti’s The Elixir of Love at the London Coliseum in November 2024.

The replacements are New Zealand tenor Thomas Atkins and Irish-UK baritone Dan D’Souza.




  • Tammo Schurr says:

    Don’t know about Ford, but Innocent withdrew months ago. Just after his Britain’s (apparently) Got Talent Final…!

  • Jonathan says:

    Could you clarify exactly how ‘uncertainty at English National Opera’ has resulted in these two singers being unavailable?

  • Bored Muso says:

    Surprising any self respecting singer or conductor would want to continue being associated with the devious actions of this once distinguished company after all the unprofessional and disgraceful stunts they’ve pulled of late resulting in their self inflicted demise to Salford (where?)
    Any singer or conductor continuing to be employed by them must be desperate or ignorant to ENO’s demise and downfall, or both.

    • my permanent pseudonym says:

      or perhaps…. Desperate to….

      Pay the Mortgage;
      Maintain utmost professionalism as a musician;
      Try to maintain the highest Art Form there is that they have trained for over many years;
      See how their employment will pan out over the next 12-24 months;
      Stay in their immediate locale for domestic reasons;
      Seek alternative work for 6 months of the year in an ever-diminishing ‘market’ for their ‘skill-set’ and talents

      By all means ‘diss’ the Board, ACE, Westminster, etc, but please show some respect to the Artists whose commitment to their job ~role~ is never, and never ever has been in doubt.

      In fact, rather than make horrible comments about ‘self-respecting singer[s]’, go and SUPPORT them – who knows, if you and others do this, maybe, just maybe your ticket will be the one that puts ENO back on an even keel!

      PS – having seen your subsequent replies to others, I am even more disheartened by your initial comment above.
      ALL the musicians and supporting production & theatre staff need as much support as possible – please don’t tar them with the same brush as the Board / ACE etc.

  • Maria says:

    I don’t think you know the situation when you comment like that. The standard of ENO is very high and I go down regularly from Leeds with Sr Angelica next month. Two singers pulling out of a production and two happily going back in is no reflection of the company or the office and Admin moving to Manchester. Performances of a very high standard will remain in London as ENO own the Coliseum, unlike Opera North who don’t. It sounds as if you have never been to Salford Quays/ Media City and seen the wonderful Lowry Theatre, surrounded by the BBC, ITV and a whole host of major media companies with infrastructure.

    • bored muso says:

      Your unfounded assumptions are incorrect.
      I have worked with both opera companies and in both The Colliseum and Lowry Theatres unlike yourslef who doesn’t seem to have a clear grasp of the self inflicted demise due to arrogant management and egotistical board members who are amateur music lovers of the worst do -gooder type and have allowed this once respected company to be forced out of the capital.
      Please learn your subject facts correctly before you make silly assunptions over this tragic situation.
      Some of us have been around to remember the pre Sadler’s Wells Opera days before the Colly was purchased and ENo and Opera North were created when the Sadler’s Wells Theatre was deemed too small and a larger (too large!) Colliseum was purchased, so please don’t assume you are telling off someone who doesn’t know the full back story.

  • LegalChris says:

    There really must be a shortage of bad news if this is worthy of being a headline! It is old news and was announced by ENO on 18 June.

    I’m sure this really is not related to uncertainty at ENO as Innocent Masuku withdrew shortly after Britain’s Got Talent – surely not coincidental.