Two lead sopranos walk out on Covent Garden

Two lead sopranos walk out on Covent Garden


norman lebrecht

August 28, 2024

From the press release:

Jacquelyn Stucker has withdrawn from all performances of The Marriage of Figaro for health reasons. The role of Countess Almaviva will be performed by Maria Bengtsson.

Press release

Wednesday 28 August 2024

Cast change announcements
The Marriage of Figaro and Tosca

The Marriage of Figaro | 2 – 15 Sept 2024

Jacquelyn Stucker has withdrawn from all performances of The Marriage of Figaro for health reasons. The role of Countess Almaviva will be performed by Maria Bengtsson.

Sonya Yoncheva has withdrawn from all performances of Tosca for personal reasons. The role of Floria Tosca will be performed by Natalya Romaniw (26, 29 Nov and 6, 8 (matinee) Dec), and Chiara Isotton (11, 13 Dec), who makes her House debut.

To lose one soprano is unfortunate. Two starts to look like a trend.


  • Nik says:

    I was frankly surprised that Yoncheva had agreed to appear next to the unspeakable Eyvazov. It seems she has belatedly come to the same conclusion.

  • Baffled in Buffalo says:

    Your final sentences are delightfully reminiscent, I suppose deliberately, of Oscar Wilde’s quip from “The Importance of Being Ernest”:

    “To lose one parent, Mr. Worthing, may be regarded as a misfortune; to lose both looks like carelessness”.

  • Gunther Kraus says:

    No surprise that Yoncheva has dropped out. She was double booked during this time for this engagement as well as Butterly in Barcelona.

    Barcelona pays more than ROH.

    • Nik says:

      That didn’t stop her doing a full-page interview with the Times where she talked about how excited she was to be signing Tosca in London.
      On a different note, this “RBO” business is clearly not catching on.

  • Barney says:

    Is it being suggested that Ms Stucker is being economical with the truth?

    If somebody withdraws for health reasons, it’s rather stretching things to say that they have ‘walked out’.

    Any evidence that something other than health issues is the reason for her withdrawal?

    • Marcellus says:

      According to Ms Stucker’s Instagram, the primary health issue is a back injury sustained doing stunt work in performance last season. She says she’s taking time out to recuperate, and expresses gratitude to ROH for being supportive. Sounds pretty convincing to me. Hopefully she’ll make a full recovery.

    • Anonymous says:

      I work in the building and can confirm it is a health reason.

      Ms Stucker has a right to privacy, no further explanation should be required.

      Further speculation should be treated as tasteless gossip.

  • Mellie Hahn says:

    Fan Club: Keep your most dedicated fans engaged by regularly updating your private feed with unique content. Build a strong community and keep your fans coming back for more.

  • Potpourri says:

    I read a compilation of reviews at “” and Yusif Eyvazov is well-regarded, especially as Cavaradossi in Tosca. Several have commented on his improvement over the years.

  • Jantique R Fielding says:

    “To lose one parent, Mr. Worthing, may be regarded as a misfortune; to lose both looks like carelessness.”
    Oscar Wilde, The Importance of Being Earnest

  • AlbericM says:

    How ugly are the productions the sopranos fled? That should be reason enough to withdraw, whether for health or personal reasons.

  • Colin48 says:

    “has withdrawn” is not the same, in English usage of language, as “walked out”.