Tonight’s Parsifal cancels at Bayreuth

Tonight’s Parsifal cancels at Bayreuth


norman lebrecht

August 07, 2024

Message from Andreas Schrager:

Leider muss ich aufgrund einer Infektion der oberen Atemwege die heutige Vorstellung „Parsifal“ absagen. Ich möchte mich bei allen, die sich meinetwegen Karten dafür gekauft hatten, aufrichtig entschuldigen.
Diese Entzündung machte mir auch gestern wärend der Tristan Vorstellung, mein Sängerleben schwer und so musste ich im 3. Akt leider vorzeitig die Segel streichen.
Ich bedanke mich herzlich bei meinen Kollegen Tilman Unger, der mir für den Rest des Aktes seine Stimme geliehen hat, sowie bei Klaus Florian Vogt, der für mich die heutige Vorstellung Parsifal übernehmen wird.
Mein herzliches Dankeschön gilt auch den Bayreuther Festspielen, namentlich Katharina Wagner, für die elegante, rasche und zielführende Hilfe.
Nach gründlicher Untersuchung durch den HNO Arzt der Festspiele gebe ich vorsichtige Entwarnung für die kommenden Vorstellungen.

Roughly translated:
Unfortunately, due to an upper respiratory infection, I have to cancel tonight’s performance of “Parsifal”. I would like to sincerely apologise to anyone who bought tickets for this because of me.
This inflammation also made it difficult for me to sing Tristan yesterday, so I had to strike sail in the 3rd act. I would like to thank my colleague Tilman Unger, who lent me his voice for the rest of the act, as well as Klaus Florian Vogt, who will take over today’s performance of Parsifal for me.
My heartfelt thanks also go to the Bayreuther Festspielen, notably Katharina Wagner, for the elegant, quick and end-oriented help.


  • Noah says:

    Bayreuth really doesn’t have cover singers on hand? Wow.

  • Don Ciccio says:

    All what we can say is get well soon.

  • Tribonian says:

    I was at yesterday’s peformance of Tristan when Klaus Florian Vogt stood in part way through the third act. Vogt sang from a score at the edge of the stage. Both men took the third act curtain call together and received enthusiastic applause.

    Andreas Schrager did not appear to be struggling in the first two acts. He sang them beautifully.

    Here’s to a speedy recovery.

    • Waltraud Becker says:

      It was Unger, not Vogt at that performance! See the official website of Bayreuther festspiele.

  • Ragnar Danneskjoeld says:

    Unger also stepped in for Vogt in Act 1 as he was unable to show up on time.

  • Player says:

    Best Tristan for years…

  • John Boundy says:

    He is singing both Parsifal and Tristan at Bayreuth this year. Surely a recipe for problems that seemingly have surfaced. He is a great singer but was taking on too much. Get well.

  • JackBeeson says:

    To clear the facts: Tillmann Unger sang Act 1 of yesterday’s Parsifal & Klaus Florian Vogt only acts 2 & 3. Tillmann Unger (obviously the Tristan & Parsifal cover) also finnished the previous night for Andreas Schager the last third Act (after Schager gave up approx 34-35 minutes into the last act). Tilmann Unger also participated on July 24 & 30 in Festpiel Open Concerts under Stutzman (with C.Foster on 7/24; Kupfer-Radecky both on 7/24 & 30).

  • Tannhaeuser18 says:

    I was at both performances. However, I didn’t notice anything wrong with Schader before he bowed out vocally partway through Tristan’s third act. He gamely continued to act while Unger sang from a music stand on the right side of the stage.

    I was thrilled when Vogt was announced as Schader’s replacement as Parsifal the following night. Unfortunately, Vogt had to fly in from another country. His first flight was delayed, so he missed his connecting flight. Hence, Unger stepped in once again for one act, this time in costume. The second act of Parsifal was delayed by half an hour in order to allow Vogt to take over. He received a most well-deserved ovation. Yet, the loudest ovation of the night was for the magnificent Kundry of Ekaterina Gubanova.

    Overall, a lot of unintentional drama, but two great performances. Albeit, the highlight of my three-day visit to Bayreuth was tonight’s stupendous performance of Fliegender Holländer. Wow!

  • Mark says:

    And there was me thinking it was perhaps because the swan had suddenly revived – or maybe Klingsor had found a replacement surgeon.

  • Son of Brünnhilde says:

    Thank heavens for the festival strength-in-depth which allows for an instant replacement – Klaus Florian Vogt, also this season’s Tannhäuser and Siegfried