The longest playing violinist has died at 99

The longest playing violinist has died at 99


norman lebrecht

August 07, 2024

In our exclusive list of long-serving orchestral players, Frances Darger came in at #2 for playing 70 years in the violins of the Utah Symphony.

On retirement, twelve years ago, she found a new hobby watching operas from the Met.

Frances died on July 30, aged 99. She is survived by three children, twelve grandchildren and fifteen great-grandchildren.


  • Eyal Braun says:

    The former Israel PO concertmaster, legendary Chaim Taub, celebrated his 99th birthday last week :He is still active teaching young Israeli violinists.

  • Emil says:

    An addition for the list: Michael Dumouchel, clarinet at the Orchestre Symphonique de Montréal, credited with 51 years of service until his retirement at the end of 2021-2022.éparts-à-la-retraitelors-de-nos-concerts-de-clôture-de-saison-nous-avons-tenu-/10159442725269091/?locale=af_ZA

  • Just sayin says:

    The gist of these types of posts is, look at these wonderful folks who loved music so much, they played professionally for as long as possible. How generous of them and heart warming. If only the rest of humanity followed suit.

    Having sat to a few colleagues in their 70s and 80s, the reality I have witnessed is rather different. Poor playing, denial of one’s decline, sometimes actual delusion so as to how one sounds and what one can contribute. A 70+ year old cellist I knew, who rarely played more than two consecutive notes in tune, seriously told me she had plans to record all the Bach Suites and the Kodaly Solo Sonata in the near future. That type of thing.

  • SlippedChat says:

    I never heard of Ms. Darger until this article, but I honor her for her decades of devoted service to her orchestra, and I honor her for having the patience of a saint to spend 70 years in Utah.

  • Robert Castellano says:

    Here is the obituary of Marilyn Kistler. She played for 64 Years in the Allentown (PA) Symphony and passed away in 2019.