Secret pop-up by Edinburgh chief’s partner

Secret pop-up by Edinburgh chief’s partner


norman lebrecht

August 11, 2024

Press release:
Last night, the legendary American jazz trumpeter Wynton Marsalis made a surprise debut performance at the Edinburgh International Festival, leading an Up Late concert at the Hub, home of the International Festival. The Brazilian bandolim virtuoso Hamilton de Holanda also joined Marsalis on stage as a special guest.

The concert launches the Up Late series, a selection of special nights in the Hub where celebrated unannounced guest curators and international artists keep audiences up late and entertained into the night. This concert was filmed for Sky Arts and will be broadcast 1st October at 10pm, alongside another of Edinburgh International Festival’s Up Late concerts, broadcast on 24th September.

Wynton Marsalis is one of the world’s most renowned jazz musicians, whose performances and compositions have earned him nine Grammy Awards and the Pulitzer Prize for Music.

press photo: Maxime Ragni/Edinburgh Festival


  • David K. Nelson says:

    You could in my opinion remove the word “jazz” from that accolade — Wynton Marsalis is one of the world’s most renowned musicians. Of any genre.

  • Nick2 says:

    I believe he started his career in classical music. I recall hearing a superb performance of the Haydn concerto with the NY Philharmonic back in the early 1980s.

    • Sisko24 says:

      Wynton studied at Juilliard with Philip Smith, a former principal trumpeter at the New York Philharmonic. That exacting classical study at Juilliard and Wynton’s prodigious talent and already inestimable jazz acumen combined to make the extraordinary musician we know. He and Mr. Smith once did a magnificent performance of one of Vivaldi’s Concerti for Two Trumpets with the NY Philharmonic. That was one of those evenings of music making that the New York Philharmonic and Lincoln Center were once regularly known for.

    • Steve says:

      Hi Nick..He’s from New jazz were his routes. ..with The Eastman Wind ensemble is a great album..check out his Standard Time albums ..

  • Paul Dimarco says:

    Great song too from Wynton’s daughter who has a spectacular voice already