Putin martyr’s last recital

Putin martyr’s last recital

Daily Comfort Zone

norman lebrecht

August 24, 2024

This is believed to be the final recital given by Pavel Kushnir, who died in prison for criticising Putin.

The recital took place in the Kurgan Philharmonic Hall in 2021.

The next soloist in the Kurgan hall will be the Putin loyalist Denis Matsuev.


  • Peter x says:

    Requiescat in pace.
    Am I the only one to react?

  • Aleksander says:

    Just one comment from Russian YT:
    Павел ! Простите нас, что мы не знали , что не помогли, что в самый страшный час вы остались в одиночестве
    Pawel ! Forgive us, for not knowing, for not helping, for leaving you alone in these horrific times.

  • Whimbrel says:

    There’s a long piece about him today on the BBC website: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cj35lk4x86yo

  • John Borstlap says:

    Here is more about him:


    And here is a playlist:


    A very gifted, brilliant pianist.

  • Hypocrisy says it all. Karma around the corner says:

    And just imagine, if he hadn’t have been a musician, this slipped disc post would never have happened, those illustrious signatures, Argerich, Rattle and co would never have been signed. Pavel would probably have died incognito like so many others.

    As Robert F Kennedy jnr has said, the war in Ukraine is being allowed to happen to provide lucrative contracts for us arms suppliers.

    And the war in the middle east – Israel/Palestine is being fuelled to avenge the 9/11 event.

  • Tebo says:

    C’est beau mais c’est triste.

    Anima eius requiescat in pace in aeternum.