Philharmonia principal switches to Sydney Symphony

Philharmonia principal switches to Sydney Symphony


norman lebrecht

August 16, 2024

Antoine Siguré, Principal Timpani of the Philharmonia Orchestra since 2016, has joined the Sydney Symphony Orchestra.

Antoine, 37, is also Professor of Timpani at the Royal SAcademy of Music.

That’ll be a long commute.


  • Alexander Hall says:

    One of many departures of principal players in the last few years and not much activity put into recruiting replacements of similar quality. Not a good sign at all.

  • OSF says:

    Well, Sydney is lovely; imagine going to work every day at the Sydney Opera House. And probably a more stable job. Excellent orchestra.

    How he maintains a job at the Royal Academy of Music from the other side of the world is another question; I guess he flies in 2-3 times a year?

  • Miv Tucker says:

    I remember decades ago a R3 announcer informing us the next record would be by “The Sydney Little Symphony Orchestra”, though disappointingly that was subsequently corrected to The Little Orchestra of Sydney.

  • Patrick says:

    What a huge loss for London- he is amazing!

  • Bostin'Symph says:

    Do timps boing in the same direction in the southern hemisphere?

  • Chicagorat says:

    It could be worse.

    Take the CSO: they have “invested” – by some conservative estimates – $30-33M to pay Muti since his appointment (between the Stallion’s salary and concert fees, which will continue to be paid in the foreseeable future until Klaus puts a stop to the madness).

    They got back: drastically reduced audiences; an orchestra in disarray attracting sub-par principals and denying tenure to world class musicians; arguably no consequential recordings; abysmal programming; hundreds of incoherent Latin quotes; anti me2 rants; a totally reset bar for ‘ethical’ MD behavior.

    At least SF will get a hall.

    So, Which of the two organizations is dumber?

  • Cherry G says:

    The Royal what now?

  • Robin Del Mar says:

    They probably pay a living wage there…

  • Emetic says:

    A very fine player. Those interested might like to watch the Mahler 3 with Salonen and the Philharmonia where he is joined by his admired teacher.