Oregon fires another Bach man

Oregon fires another Bach man


norman lebrecht

August 11, 2024

If you search slippedisc.com for ‘Oregon’ you will find a catalogue of musical incompetence unmatched in a ny other US uinversity. Things have gone a bit quiet since they fired the excellent Matthew Halls as Artistic Director of the Oregon Bach Festival. So it’s reassuring to report that the hopeless Oregonians have just struck again.

A local mole informs us:

It seems the university has struck again by somehow forcing out a prominent musician and broadcaster, Peter Van de Graff. In 2016, when Van de Graff came from WFMT to KWAX, which operates under a license owned by the university, the local classical audience was charmed by his enthusiasm for the community and grateful for his professional and artistic contributions to the local classical music scene. KWAX is a community supported station but, as I understand it, the funds are administered by the university. During Van de Graff’s tenure as Music Director, the fund drives were shortened from weeks to just one or two days due his enthusiasm and to timely and generous giving. Many pledges came from internet listeners, some even from abroad.

One day in mid July, Van de Graff announced that it was his last day on the air—no explanation given. The local free paper that does some arts reporting noted the departure along with the cryptic quote from Van de Graff that “some of his reasons were not fit for publication”. The blunt force of the university immediately came to mind.

Van De Graaff hosts the Beethoven Satellite Network (BSN), an overnight classical music service, which is carried over approximately 150 radio stations across the USA</d


  • Charlie McHenry says:

    Though I admittedly know little about his tenure at the Bach festival, Peter was definitely not loved by at least some of his broadcast listeners, me included. His pension for playing modern, non-classical orchestral music more suited to the circus or movie scores grated on some of our ears.

    • Doug says:

      He gets a “pension” for playing music? I believe you meant “penchant” rube.

      • Bone says:

        Back to the substance of his comment: if the presenter were playing music less reminiscent of a Bach festival and more of a film soundtrack, perhaps the complaints were enough to warrant the radio personality’s removal.
        But sure, a malaprop is reason to attack the commenter rather than the idea. Online debate is a sphere worthy of such behavior.

  • Fred Funk says:

    Well, here’s these Oregon people again, ducking their responsibilities.

  • B. Guerrero says:

    Burt Bacharach and Hal Leonard said it best in their hit song, “Bach On By”.

  • Nick Rieser says:

    I am greatly saddened by his departure. He is an outstanding host. His ability to explore the inner workings of pieces and explore new dimensions of composers is unmatched, in my experience. Every show is a journey of discovery. I am not sure where the comment about film soundtracks is coming from – perhaps there was some confusion with the afternoon show, which is dedicated to that genre.

  • Tom says:

    I’ve been a donor to the station for many years. But now I’m done.

  • Doug says:

    Seems there are some music organizations out there that hire people just to experience the sadistic thrill to booth them out the door. The office revolving door spins so fast, you don’t know sometimes if you’re on your way in or out. Prove me wrong.

  • MWnyc says:

    Just to clarify, Peter van de Graaff is — was — a radio presenter and Music Director at KWAX, a Eugene, Oregon-based classical radio station whose broadcasting license is owned by the University of Oregon, which also operates the Oregon Bach Festival.

    But there is no indication that Peter van de Graaff was ever employed at the Oregon Bach Festival (except possibly for one-off gigs as singer or announcer).

  • MWnyc says:

    For context, here is a larger excerpt from the article in the Eugene Weekly which Norman cites:

    Van de Graaff said in an email to EW that he’s moving to Wisconsin in part to help an ailing father. “There are many other reasons, some of which are not fit for publication, so I’ll have to say ‘no comment’ to anything further,” he wrote. “Sorry!” Asked for comment, KWAX General Manager Greg Raschio simply said the station had been in discussions with Graaff about his departure for some time, and that the date had been moved up due to his father’s failing health. KWAX will continue to air Van de Graaff’s overnight show from midnight to 6 am.

    https://eugeneweekly.com/2024/07/25/from-vps-to-kwax-in-slant/ (final item)

  • Guido de Arezzo says:

    A wonderful host at WFMT and a very talented singer I might add. I doubt the issue was him.