Orchestra jams Birmingham station

Orchestra jams Birmingham station


norman lebrecht

August 31, 2024

On the busiest weekend of the summer, the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra brought its branded concept of joy to New Street Station.

By the look of it, business stalled at Pret.



  • Fred Funk says:

    Clearly, there’s a viola player needing a regular fiber supplement, and increased water intake.

  • Stone Green says:

    They did the same thing a few days’ earlier in the Bullring, also to a big crowd. Our family loved it. Advertising £1 tickets to main season concerts for Brummies, too. Bravo, CBSO.

    • Gimmick says:

      Great offer until you read the fine print that it is only if you can get to Symphony Hall Sunday 1 Sept only, and between 3pm and 6pm only, and that’s it.

      • OggieMuso says:

        Doesn’t it occur to you that this is a way to attract NEW audience? Why would they sell £1 tickets to their regular evening punters? Unless the council had decided to subsidise them of course! Ha ha! Fat chance! The point is that you can’t run an orchestra on £1 tickets and thin air, so maybe be delighted (?) that they’re doing it at all! Just saying.

  • Richard Bratby says:

    The CBSO has been playing regular annual performances (usually in early September) in the foyer of New Street Station ever since the rebuilt station opened in 2015. Mirga Grazynte-Tyla conducted one of the first. There’s a picture of it in my history of the orchestra.

  • Barney says:

    Do we detect a slightly sneering tone in the opening paragraph?

    The CBSO management obviously have much to answer for, but this is a good news story and deserves to be treated as such.

    I’m still convinced that a certain person has it in for Brum – maybe he had a dodgy balti, for which he has never forgiven the entire city.

  • guest1847 says:

    Ooh the first three comments about the CBSO this time are positive. I thought it would be something controversial about black people and fried chicken again!

  • Elizabeth Owen says:

    Horrib;e station glad they are cheering up passengers, they need it.

  • True music lover says:

    Why the sneering attitude? It was a wonderful thing to do !!

  • Willym says:

    It’s okay Norman they’ll do something right some day.