NY judge slaps down Netrebko vs Met case

NY judge slaps down Netrebko vs Met case


norman lebrecht

August 24, 2024

From the AP:
Anna Netrebko’s lawsuit against the Metropolitan Opera was narrowed to gender discrimination claims by a federal judge, who agreed to dismiss the star soprano’s allegations of defamation, breach of contract and discrimination because of national origin.

U.S. District Judge Analisa Nadine Torres in Manhattan issued a 23-page decision…

And the word from the singer’s agent Miguel Esteban: ‘It is normal for a court to narrow the issues during litigation, but this court recognizes that the facts as alleged show that the Met wronged Anna Netrebko and that there is still an important case before it.’

That’s a bit desperate. Defamation and breach of contract are major suits. Gender discrimination merely means the Met would not have acted the same way with a male artist.. Really? It did, and has done. Many times.


Next case.


  • John Kelly says:

    Case dismissed…..more or less

    • Petros Linardos says:

      Kind of. The case is intensely debated in courts of public opinion, obviously by people with legal education who have studied the 23-page decision 😉

  • Officer Krupke says:

    With regard to gender discrimination there is a case to answer, and it is her right to take the case. It’s hardly desperate if the court has acknowledged same. [redacted]

  • Tiredofitall says:

    Gender discrimination? What is that judge smoking? As for contracts, Peter has no regard or respect for them. Trust me.

  • AlbericM says:

    How do you treat opera singers of differing genders exactly the same? Their differing voice ranges and role requirements would necessitate grouping sopranos with sopranos and basses with basses. And I don’t think a male Witch in Humperdinck makes a good argument for gender-blind casting. The woke dithering starts in 4-3-2–

    • Michael says:

      Sigh … This is pretty basic stuff, gender equality doesn’t mean treating both genders “exactly the same”.

      If I treat my four children “exactly the same” and take them all out for a slap-up meal at the steakhouse, that’s equality yes?

      No? I have discriminated against the one who is vegetarian as I haven’t taken equal account of his/her individual need.

      Likewise treating all staff “exactly the same” may be discriminatory against one gender for failing to take into account their differing needs. Quite often in workplace situations, this is a failure to recognise that women still do the heavy lifting in terms of childcare and adjusting corporate policies accordingly.

      If being fair is being “woke” (lazy insult of the decade), count me “woke”.

      Woke … sigh … I’m with her …

    • Abe says:

      Random use of the term “woke” signifies a lack of critical thinking.

  • Michael says:

    “That’s a bit desperate. Defamation and breach of contract are major suits. Gender discrimination merely means ….”

    Gender discrimination is a major suit too ….

    “A jury awarded $253 million after finding the pharmaceutical giant [Novartis] liable for gender discrimination in pay, promotions, and relating to pregnancy. “

  • rob.h says:

    another nothing burger.

  • Not a lawyer says:

    Throwing everything but the kitchen sink is fairly common in American tort lawsuits such as this one. The plaintiff isn’t sure which argument the judge will find most compelling, so they’ll formulate the injury in as many variants as possible to see how many of them the judge deems plausible enough to justify the resources of a trial. Now, Netrebko may very well lose, but this is a definite blow to the Met, an organization that doesn’t have the best reputation vis-a-vis sex and gender discrimination (going all the way back to Lucine Amara’s successful suit in the late 70s/early 80s). It’s also bound to be a waste of time and resources the Met could better spend on a variety of things integral to their operations. The best advice I could offer would be save the legal fees and settle asap. Netrebko’s purported damages are far less than Proskauer Rose’s rate.

  • Sue Sonata Form says:

    Arguably one of the dullest singers on planet Earth.

  • Ivars says:

    Nebtrebko can sue all she wants, she will still never sing at the Met ever so long as Gelb is in charge. And even then, her future is not bright there.

  • Save the MET says:

    Gender discrimination? The MET has a specific set of operas they produce for the public each year. Those operas have both female roles and male roles and a few female as male roles depending upon the season. The MET fills those female roles and female as male roles with females. She has no case. As far as national origin, the MET has to think about their audience and whether they can put butts in their seats. While Gelb has not done a great job with that, much of the opera going public at this time in not interested in seeing a Putinista on their stage, no matter what she now says.

  • Luther says:

    Everyone is sidesteping the main reason Netrebko was blacklisted. That reason was ,she wasn’t denouncing Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. The judge going for the ridiculous gender discrimination is the same as the Hunter Biden’s plea deal.