Myra Hess: the Proms interview

Myra Hess: the Proms interview


norman lebrecht

August 26, 2024

Here’s another rare memento of Myra, ten years after the previous collectible.

She has a splendidly leisured way of telling an anecdote.



  • AndrewB says:

    The natural generosity of her character was reflected in her piano playing. Dame Myra Hess , a life dedicated to music, her audiences and the welfare of fellow musicians.

  • WillymH says:

    Thank you for posting this.

  • Peter says:

    This is a wonderful document, and a pleasure to hear the voice of the interviewer James Fassett who was a staple of CBS Radio and the New York Philharmonic broadcasts from the late 30s to the late 60s.