Musicians are told: in 2029 you’ll be earning 23% more

Musicians are told: in 2029 you’ll be earning 23% more


norman lebrecht

August 02, 2024

Ahead of the arrival of Cristian Macelaru as music director, musicians in the Cincinnati Symphony have agreed a new wage deal. The basic salary will rise almost a quarter over the next five years, the kind of security not many employees enjoy in other sectors.

CSO CEO Jonathan Martin said it would enable the musicians to be ‘100% focused’ on the organisation’s relaunch.




  • Chicagorat says:

    Cincinnati is driving distance from Chicago.

    Ostensibly, the local symphony is benefiting from the incremental attendance of estranged CSO audiences that have desperately been looking for better performances during and after the disastrous Muti era.

    Chicago’s Italian Stallion is Cincinnati gain!

  • Helpsalot says:

    That’s 4.6% a yr. Without knowing the average salary how can one determine whether or not that is a reasonable raise?

  • Kenny says:

    Given Putin, Kim, Trump(?), Xi, Iran/Israel… the Earth’s not going to be inhabitable when they get their “promised” raise.

    I’m personally looking forward to not paying rent, but YMMV.