Meet Maestro Mälkki, the milliner

Meet Maestro Mälkki, the milliner


norman lebrecht

August 19, 2024

The conductor Susanna Mälkki (pictured, 3rd right) has been awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of the Arts Helsinki.

Who knew the Finns went in for funny hats?

Goodness, this one’s worse.


  • Philipp Lord Chandos says:

    Look like those Christmas kracker paper crowns.

  • Heribert says:

    The one great conductress.

    • anon says:

      She is one of the worst guest conductors our orchestra has the misfortune to (repeatedly) deal with, and among female guest conductors she won’t make into the top 3.

      • professional musician says:

        Bull. I don´t know in which village band you play, but at the NYP, the Berlin Phil, the Bavarian Radio So , and the Frankfurt Radio Symphony( where i had the pleasure to play under her) liked her very much.She is fabulous.

        • M2N2K says:

          She does not conduct “village band(s)”, and I am in full agreement with “anon”. She may be rather efficient in rehearsing unnecessarily complicated atonal pieces written after the great Le Sacre, but when it comes to interpretations of virtually all of the standard core symphonic repertoire, she is absolutely dreadful – and that is the opinion shared by the majority of one of the leading US orchestras in which I play.

          • professional musician says:

            The lament of the goners….Thank God there are not many orchestra players around stuck in 1913 and content to play Tchaik 5th the umpteenth time….Even in the US this species is almost extinct.

          • professional musician says:

            Hehe…maybe in front of your loudspeakers. One of my closest friends is a principal player with the NYPO, a very good friend of mine plays with the LAPO…Both repeatedly told me they, and the majority of both orchestras like her very much( she will conduct both ensembles the upcoming season)….Congratulations to you and anon for the many thumbs up you both gave yourselves, and, of course, thumbs down for me, in such a short time..Requires quite some effort!

          • Chimo says:

            “a very good friend of mine plays with the LAPO, … repeatedly told me they, and the majority of both orchestras like her very much” That is very hard to believe, because none of the LA Phil players I talked to likes her at all, and I doubt you, as a sub player in Europe, knows much about anything going on in these orchestras.

          • professional musician says:

            More than you would believe…..I grew up in the states(and England), and being in the business for 45 years, i know quite a lot of players around the globe, some being very close friends and colleagues for many years, even decades, also from my work in top conservatories….Your words are hard to believe, since the musicians of the LA Phil i talked to ( just a few weeks ago, on their tour in Paris). had very favorable, and in one case, even enthusiastic views on her. So its up to SD readers whom they choose to believe.

          • Chimo says:

            That is funny, because I know who M2N2K is (he plays the violin) and I also know who you are (you play the trumpet). I trust M2N2K above you all day.

          • professional musician says:

            M2N2K and anon are at least very adept in giving himself, and you thumbs up.
            , and me downvotes..It´s pretty obvious..Maybe he and some of his cronies should spend more time on practicing instead voting

          • Chimo says:

            My mistake as I misremembered. You play the PIANO.

          • professional musician says:

            When it comes to interpretations of virtually all standard repertoire, both the former and the incoming NYPO music director( still in LA) were and are absolutely dreadful…Her Fidelio was light years better than the Dude´s glib, superficial, showy, noisy romp through Beethoven´s score.

          • Chimo says:

            I know for a fact Berlin Phil loves Dudamel far more than Mälkki (Dudamel is in fact one of their favorite guests), as do nearly all orchestras that played under both.

          • Chimo says:

            Also, according to Operabase Mälkki has never conducted Fidelio, so you are literally just making things up now.

        • anon says:

          How many times did Berlin Phil and BRSO invite her back, if they liked her so much?

        • Chimo says:

          Very well, in that case let Mälkki wait for an opening at the Berlin Phil, Bavarian Radio SO, or Frankfurt Radio Symphony, and let those orchestras pick her as their next Music Director, since according to you they really love her. She, her agent, and Salonen should however leave LA Phil alone because that particular orchestra is VERY tired of her.

    • professional musician says:

      She is great. But there are many meanwhile, above all Karina! And i have played under many, also many bad male conductors. The prize for the worst rehearsal/concert i ever played, goes to Lorin Maazel.

      • JamesBence says:

        I would love to hear some more detail about that. Maazel is conductor whose interpretations I find at times very puzzling.

        • professional musician says:

          The most idiotic rehearsal i ever witnessed…It was a fantastic youth orchestra playing Schubert 9th the first time….He came only to the last rehearsal, the rest had been very ably done by the resident conductor…He didn´t say a word, nothing, during the whole rehearsal -Just played a segment of 4 or 5 minutes, stopped, checked something in his closed score, did the segment again…It became soon apparent that he used the rehearsal to memorize the score again. The same happened a few years later with Prokofiev 5 and the NDR. Totally vain, musically superficial and irrelevant.

  • tet says:

    Yet no one thought to dress to match their colorful hats, they all wore … black; it’s like a funeral for clowns…

  • John Kelly says:

    Any thoughts on the wigs in the judiciary?

  • Alexander Hall says:

    Maestra, surely. What happened to Norman’s classical education?

  • Gerald says:

    Seriously, are you not aware that you Brits enjoy dressing up in even more bizarre outfits?