Lyric Opera hires CEO with no opera know-how

Lyric Opera hires CEO with no opera know-how


norman lebrecht

August 02, 2024

Chicago’s Lyric Opera has appointed John Mangum  of the Houston Symphony to be its next general director.

In an interview to be published next Tuesday, he tells Janos Gereben of San Francisco Classical Voice:

‘I’ve only had orchestra positions so far. But I was a super at San Francisco Opera in “Elektra” in 1991, when I was a senior in high school!  And I did some freelance work for LA Opera while I was at UCLA. It was their marketing director who connected me with the LA Phil, for my first job.’



  • Herbie G says:

    Well, his CV is Stenning!

  • Tet says:

    Is he an influencer? Does he have a tiktok account? Is he smitten with European nudist directors? Is he into DEI operas?

    That’s all that matters.

  • Petros Linardos says:

    Major opera houses also appoint conductors with little or no opera experience too. Dudamel/Paris is a recent example.

  • James Weiss says:

    I was a super at Covent Garden in 1979. Can I get a job running the MET?

    • Truth Hurts says:

      Well, they had a legendary casting director whose claim o fame was working in the box office or something at ROH.

    • Jef Olson says:

      I was in a community theater production of LEND ME A TENOR. I think I have a good chance of edging out a super from an SF Elektra! Lol . But then again, Bing had more experience managing a department store, but has SOME opera experience. Maybe Chicago’s new guy will be great. At least he admitted it up front. It does seem strange. Did no one else apply?

    • Petros Linardos says:

      Maybe, but I am afraid your experience puts you at a disadvantage for being hired to direct an opera.

    • Tiredofitall says:

      Only former ushers (many of whom, at the Met at least, actually know a lot about opera).

    • Nelson says:

      You are obviously completely ignorant regarding Mangum, who’s one of the very best out there. If you ever manage to learn something then you’d realize how lucky Chicago is, and what an uninformed snipe your “witticism” is.

  • phf655 says:

    He has a doctorate in musicology and an extensive career in orchestra management. Apparently he has a good track record in fund raising, which has been a problem in Chicago since the 24’254 season has been cut to the bone. Give him a chance. The results could be interesting.

    • Truth Hurts says:

      Then hire him for fund raising. To think this person will make the big artistic conditions? LOC has been in serious decline for years now. And even if he, as General Beggar, manages to squeeze mine out of ignorant Midwest ‘afficionados,’ what good is it if it goes toward poor artistic decisions???

      • Nelson says:

        You wouldn’t know a poor artistic decision if it swiped you in the butt an you landed in Oz. Look at the watered down schedules at MANY “major” orchestras and see what meaty and hard hitting programs the Houston Symphony has managed to pull off in this time so fraught with orchestras failing right and left…..Chicago is very lucky. Wake up and smell the coffee.

  • John C says:

    The Lyric now has a Chief Artistic Administrator, Matthew Ozawa. Mangum’s job is likely to be more fund raising and dealing with the business side of the organization.

  • Willym says:

    Oh for god’s sake the man hasn’t even stepped into his office yet and already the brickbats are flying. Mind could it be the tone of this item that encourages that? No that would never happen would it Norman?

  • Save the MET says:

    I suggest that he has experience running a big regional orchestra and all of the aggrvation that comes with it and he’s been successful. An opera company GM makes an orchestral GM look unbusy; however he has more bona fides than Peter Gelb ever had. The MET still suffers from bringing an opera amateur into their house.

    • Larry W says:

      If Houston Symphony is a regional orchestra, so is Dallas, Saint Louis, Pittsburgh, Atlanta, and Minnesota.

    • Truth Hurts says:

      True, Gelb is a disaster. But that’s no reason to continue this failed trend in hiring. Nobody wants to go to the opera: maybe try putting a good product up???

  • Informed Opinion says:

    Utter hogwash! John is a g*damned pro – worked with him and around him for years. He’s got a sterling background and consummate artistic expertise. With a record of success and positive relationships left in his wake, there’s no reason he won’t strike success in the Windy City (likely better odds, anyway, than a vocal industry insider…).

    The only sadness in all of this is that he’s not taking the helm of the NYPhil…

  • Moenkhaus says:

    I would have gone with Paul Hogle…

  • Lyric subscriber says:

    He’ll be a disaster. Opera is a very unique art form and a general manager has to know how to deal with opera stars and convince them to come to Lyric Opera. He has to know what fees are appropriate and how to cast an opera’s second cast without hurting feelings. He needs to help young singers starting out and to know when they are ready to appear on the Lyric stage. A major opera company is not the place for practice and he should have known better than to accept such a complex job. Musicology degree? Nope. Need to know how to kiss ass and kick ass.

    • Jonathan says:

      CEOs don’t generally do any of those things. They keep the lights on and bring money in. Other people deal with the ‘talent’ and the repertoire.

    • notacynic says:

      and i’ll wager you’re an expert at at least one.

    • Tiredofitall says:

      You obviously don’t hold a responsible position at major opera company or you’d know who does what.

  • Boris says:

    Some really ludicrous comments here. John is terrific. He has a deep love for music and opera, he’s a visionary, he’s a strong leader, he’s a very experienced fundraiser, and the Lyric is exceptionally lucky to have him.

  • Janos Gereben says:

    Michael Tilson Thomas, who worked closely with John Mangum for years – MTT as music director, Mangum as Director of Artistic Planning of the San Francisco Symphony – just told SFCV:

    “John Mangum loves and really knows classical music. All artists feel very comfortable speaking and planning with him. This is because, in addition to his great knowledge, we feel the respect and affection he has for all of us. And that makes all the difference.

    “Although recently he has been much devoted to the symphonic world, he has profound understanding and appreciation of singers and their special needs. This promises to be an inspiring new era for the Chicago Lyric.”

  • Michael says:

    Yikes…between the CSO…Opera…Ballet…Chicago can’t get a break…

  • Jonathan says:

    Knowing a lot about opera doesn’t guarantee you’ll be a good CEO. I be worked in places where the head’s immersion in the stuff we were peddling meant they couldn’t be objective. Sometimes you need someone who doesn’t get misty eyed and understands that if you’re spending more than you’re making, you’re not going to have anything to be misty eyed about other than the past.

  • It is to laugh!! says:

    What’s the difference? A “B” house is a “B” house. There are no “A” houses in the United States!!!!!!
    No, NOT ONE!!!

  • zandonai says:

    Mangum used his musicology degree to write many excellent program notes. His last job was CEO of the Orange County Philharmonic Society in California. He seems like a good solid guy.