LSO replaces F-X Roth

LSO replaces F-X Roth


norman lebrecht

August 02, 2024

The London Symphony Orchestra has informed ticket-holders:

Conductor François-Xavier Roth has withdrawn from his engagements with the London Symphony Orchestra in the 2024/25 season. The LSO is grateful to Thomas Adès for stepping in to conduct on 30 and 31 October, and to Ilan Volkov for stepping in to conduct on 27 and 28 November. We will announce further details regarding the conductor for 26 and 27 January in due course.

Roth, who has been accused of sharing indecent selfies, is not performing anywhere in the forseeable future except Stuttgart, which has confirmed him at SWR chief conductor.


  • Save the MET says:

    Roth’s personal death of a thousand slices. I enjoyed his work, particularly the Saint Saens 3rd with his father. However, he is now an embarrassment to his father’s legacy and a cautionary tale to keep your zipper in the upright position whilst taking selfies with your phone, no matter your profession.

  • Professional Millennial says:

    In this day and age, surely if the sharing of explicit photos was consensual, no organisation should feel it appropriate to disinvite an artist? Are we really still a squeamish Victorian society in which we pretend that people don’t share nude photos of themselves with their sexual partners?

  • Dormouse says:

    > no matter your profession.

    Except perhaps pornographic actor or nude model. Then, probably, it’s okay

  • Fred Funk says:

    Little Richard Flasher…..

  • Gerry Feinsteen says:

    Every time I see this photo I don’t see a conductor, I see a washed up rugby coach trying to convince a group of elementary school students to throw the ball a certain way, slowly, for the umpteenth time

  • Well says:

    Well, I always thought he was overrated both as a conductor and man. His Bruckner for example is dreadful and has nothing to do with Bruckner. A fashion conductor, out of fashion now.

  • Conductor says:

    Was it consensual? If so, why the hell does anybody care?