Hamburg instals John Neumeier successor

Hamburg instals John Neumeier successor


norman lebrecht

August 02, 2024

Hamburg Ballet has announced its new Artistic Director.

Demis Volpi, 39, is German-Argentine, born in Buenos Aires. He has been Chief Choreographer and Artistic Director of the Ballett am Rhein and has some 30 works to his credit.


  • Nick2 says:

    John Neumeier was an amazing choreographer. I recall seeing his Swan Lake in Hamburg which he called “Illusions, like Swan Lake” basing Siegfried loosely on King Ludwig II of Bavaria and with a model of Neuschwanstein at the front of the stage. I believe he choreographed several works based on the life of Nijinsky but I only saw one at the Hong Kong Arts Festival about 20 years ago. Hamburg was extremely fotunate to have him based in the House for so many years. I wish Demis Volpi similar success.