Five new strings join San Francisco Symphony

Five new strings join San Francisco Symphony


norman lebrecht

August 21, 2024

The San Francisco Symphony and outgoing music director Esa-Pekka Salonen have recruited the following new musicians for the coming season:

Anne Richardson, associate principal cello; Davis You fourth chair cello; Bowen Ha fourth chair bass; Orion Miller section bass, and Jeein Kim section first violin.

Also signing up are bass trombonist Christopher Basset and second clarinet Yuhsin Galaxy Su.


  • CA says:

    That’s roughly $1.5 million in salary and benefits just for those few.

    • Arundo Donax says:

      Point being?

    • Blake says:

      Money much better spent than their overrated and overpriced star conductor, who despite monopolizing classical music coverage in the US for over a decade has seemingly little power in attracting donations.

  • zandonai says:

    Davies Symphony Hall has the ugliest and grungiest lobby of any world class concert halls I’ve visited. But once you go upstairs it’s all good.