Daniel Barenboim, end of tour

Daniel Barenboim, end of tour


norman lebrecht

August 19, 2024

The picture was taken in Lucerne after the last concert of the West-East Diwan Orchestra.



  • Time to go says:

    As difficult as it will be for him to come to terms with the reality, I hope he realizes it’s time to stop. He’s done so much for music. More than anybody in his lifetime. Daniel- thank you. Thank you for dedicating your life to music.

    • Tormented witness says:

      It’s pitiful to see him trying to do something that resembles conducting. One can understand that an artist with so long a career is bound to the stage to the extent of not being able recognizing he can no longer do what has gained the admiration of thousands, so someone should advise him better. And it’s even more pitiful to see how blind followers still insist that he is fully capable to deliver performances that are more genial than ever before. Dignity, please!

  • Philipp Lord Chandos says:


  • A Secret Admirer says:

    Please also credit the artists: That’s David Strongin (right) and Daniel Gurfunkel (left) sitting with him.

  • Alviano says:

    The tour isn’t the only thing that’s finished.

  • phf655 says:

    The last concert of the current tour. The orchestra’s website shows three concerts, in late October and early November in Munich, Leipzig, and London.

  • Bill says:

    For 60 odd years I have listened to DB firstly as pianist and then pianist/conductor..appreciation of music is entirely subjective..my personal appreciation of in particular the sonatas of Ludwig van Beethoven started with and will probably end with Daniel Barenboim as the interpreter of these mighty works.

  • Pedro says:

    I was at the Salzburg concert. Perfect and they face an encore: the Scherzo of Mendelssohn’s Midsummer Night Dream. Wonderful. Will be in London and hopefully in Berlin for the BPO concert with Martha.

  • Schlurg in paradise says:

    What a musical genius. From the tragedy of how he lost his first wife to triumph in all aspects of music. The West-East Divan Orchestra, which he founded, transcends politics and religion to bring a world class Orchestra to all of us.

  • Van Howell says:

    He not only devoted his life to music but, even more important to recognize in this catastrophic year, he dedicated his music to life. What can we say about this moment, when its seems trivial speak of its poignancy or even tragedy? And are we really all afraid to mention what he actually did with his music and why?