Composers in summer (1): Philip Glass

Composers in summer (1): Philip Glass

Daily Comfort Zone

norman lebrecht

August 08, 2024

The master-minimalist, 87, is spending August in Nova Scotia, according to online feeds.

No sign of his inseparable cat.


  • James Chater says:

    This report is a clear sign that the silly season is upon us.

  • Sam's Hot Car Lot says:

    Glass has had a cottage in Cape Breton for decades.

  • Petros Linardos says:

    We are overdue for a series of posts on famous musicians and the cats who owned them.

  • John Borstlap says:

    My fly on the wall tells me that the cat got crazy of the repetitive music around the house and fled to an atonalist composer a couple of houses down the road. The house is much smaller and the composer almost entirely neglected, and living on a small pension from his teaching days, but the cat food is great and nothing is ever repeated. Also the food is different every day, on a different hour.

  • Steve Schindler says:

    My hero looks great at 87 and very contented in this photo. Thanks PG for all of your wonderful music and countless memories, such as calling my office to wish me a happy birthday on 08/08/04.

  • Steve Schindler says:

    PS- August 8 is International Cat Day.

  • Rob says:

    This isn’t really news. Glass has owned land in Nova Scotia and spent summers there for decades. I think Steve Reich used to have land there too, but I believe he now summers in Vermont.