Cellist flits from one boutique to the next

Cellist flits from one boutique to the next


norman lebrecht

August 15, 2024

The Belgian cellist Camille Thomas has left Liu Kotow Management in Hannover, which she joined five years ago.

Thomas, 35, is now with Eleanor Ripman and Keynote Artists in London.

She has a DG record contract.


  • Nathaniel Rosen says:

    Wonderful cellist.

  • Follower says:

    Kotow seemed over the last month more interested into promoting the other pretty cellist from his roaster Kobekina, as well as his main catch Bomsori … Both can at least play their instruments.

    Maybe he got tired of too much bad taste vibrato, systematic overdramatic interpretations, basic instrumental technique diseases, fancy loaned expensive dresses and self promoted roof top photos in Paris … That french-belgian cellist hasn’t much more to say anyway – her carrer is a mystery to many people. Good luck with that one though!

    • Jan says:

      indeed, her career is a total mystery and she doesn’t deserve it at all, even not many musicians from a prestigious family could get such a chance.